Chapter Twelve: "I'm jealous."

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I slept in the guest bedroom, crying myself to sleep. I didn't even change out of my clothes. I was so upset.

What was Alexander's problem?

He had a problem with me hanging out with Chance, who I've known for three years. We talked about Crissy and Alexander. Why would he be mad about that?

He kept implying that Chance and I had sex, which definitely wasn't true. We just talked and ate; like we usually did with Crissy. The only difference was she wasn't here.

When we got to Alexanders apartment, his brother, who had been watching Maya, left. I didn't even get a chance to see him because my tears blurred my vision. I immediately push passed them, heading straight to the guest bedroom. I threw my bags onto the floor, throwing myself onto the bed. I clutched my phone to my chest as I cried. My phone went off, alerting me I had a new text. I clicked it on, reading it before crying myself to sleep.

Remember what I said. Give him a chance. He doesn't know how to express his feelings correctly. He wasn't going to hurt me and he definitely won't hurt you. He wants you to think he's dangerous but he's not. He's as dangerous as a goldfish in a bag. Only time something goes wrong is when you shake them. Love you. xx.

When I woke up, I had a new message. Basically Alexander telling me that he went to work and that I was home alone.

I didn't reply and stayed inside the guest bedroom all day. Crissy FaceTimed me but I didn't answer. I slept most of the day. The babies made sure of that.

When Alex came back, i heard Maya asking when she was going to see me again. Alexander didn't answer but I wanted to yell how her father blackmailed me into staying with him.

I planned on staying in my room until I could go home, but a soft knock at my door changed that. I could hear muffled talking on the other side.

The door pushed open and Maya stuck her head in. She looked around before her eyes landed on me, underneath the covers on the bed.

"Sophia? I didn't know you were here!" She said, nearly running to jump up onto the bed. I sniffed as she pulled the cover back, attempting to smuggle against me.

"Hey, Maya." I said weakly.

"Are you hungry? Daddy made broccoli and cheddar soup with bread!" She said, looking up at me. My eyes peered down into her vibrant green hopeful ones as she rubbed a hand over my stomach.

"No thank you." I declined. This alarmed her.

"But, if you don't eat then the babies won't be able to eat! They like broccoli and cheddar soup!" She said, as if they said it themselves. I tried to smile but couldn't. I was exhausted, still, and hungry.

"I'll bring you something." She said, scrambling out of the bed and out of the door. I stared at the slightly opened door while I heard Maya yelling.

"Dad! She's not hungry so I'm bringing her ginger ale and a mango!"

My stomach growled at the mention of a mango. The twins really liked mangoes and avocados. My hand subconsciously rubbed over them, the feeling of butterflies in my stomach returning. I needed to eat, Maya was right.

These babies depended on me and I need to be there for them. So, I peeled myself out of bed and went into the conjoining bathroom. I stripped myself of clothes and showered quickly. I lathered myself in the body wash that was in the shower already. I found a way to make my hair look like I hadn't been crying and matted it all together. I placed it into a bun before turning off the shower and stepping out.


I forgot a towel.

Hopefully in the 15 minutes it took me to shower, Maya placed the ginger ale and mango down somewhere. I placed my ear against the door before calling for Maya's name. No response. I decided to quickly run out, straight for a towel. I knew there was a fresh stack right in front of the bed. As I picked up a crisp white towel, my door widened.

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