Chapter Thirty-One: "Cinnabon."

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okay bc you guys beat that last goal in like 7 hours 😣 y'alls mind ? powerful.

Goal: 25 votes and 20 comments.
im really stressing the votes and comments because I want my ranking back😣 I had #4 in bwwm and now I have like 42.

But here's to my next couple favorite chapters to write.

"I have to pack, Alex." I said, turning around. He rolled his eyes before huffing like a wolf.

It had been a few days since Quincy left now. From my birthday and on, everything went by fast. On my birthday, I woke up to Alexander fluttering kisses all over my body. Then, I was escorted downstairs where I was met with my body pillow, my favorite breakfast, and a pair of car keys. Those weren't the only things I got but I think it's safe to say: this has been the best birthday since I was 16.

After my birthday, Quincy and I hung out and just talked. I had convinced him into convincing our mother to let me come a week later. She agreed, making me promise to be there. If I wasn't, she was going to fly over and drag me there herself.

When Alexander and Maya escorted me to drop Quincy off at the airport, somebody was upset.

And it was me.

Maya has a full on panic attack, not even letting Quincy go while we were in the airport. She absolutely loved Quincy and Alexander has to pry her wailing body away from his.

Even Quincy shed a few tears at the sight. He hugged me goodbye before dragging himself to the gates and saying good bye for the next two weeks practically.

When I got back to the car, Maya had already cried herself to sleep and Alexander was stressed because of his crying daughter. He drove us home and we got settled in.

Maya asked everyday about Quincy. "When's uncle Quincy coming back?" Or "can I call uncle Quincy?" Or, my favorite "can uncle Quincy move in with us?"

Now, I was packing for California.

Well, at least trying to.

Alexander was on me every five seconds. His hands, lips, even his breath.

Alex has taken two weeks off and left Chance in charge and for half of a week he would be checking out at one of his building in California. He claimed he could do all the work at the hotel but there was no need to when he could just as easy stay home and do the work.

None of my business.

Haha. Get it?


"Where are you going?" Alexander asks, stupidly.

"California..." I say, grabbing an outfit for me to change into.

"I forgot about that." He says, scratching the back of his head. "

"Yeah, I know. Our flight leaves at 4." I said. He looked at me, full of confusion. I rolled my eyes. I began to walk away, needing to hurry up and pack since we needed to be at the airport by 2:45 and I still needed to pack and it was only 10:30. My mom said she has my dress (Little does she know, it needs tailoring) and shoes. I just needed to pack a few weeks worth of clothes. I decide to just tops every maternity piece of clothing I have into the bag.

I climbed the stairs, listening to Alex's soft whispered towards himself.

"Okay! I need to get Amaya and I packed." Alex said aloud causing me to turn around.

"Yeah, hurry up. ."

"I need to pack. I need to get her packed. I'll help you pack though." He said with a wide smile on his face. He raced up behind me on the stairs. I had finally reached to top step when Alex decided to stick his hand up and hit me gently on my ass.

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