Chapter Thirty-Two: "Sophia's Family."

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Crap crap crap crap crap.

Why did you say that Sophia?



Now, we are going to have to live up to the expectation of a soon-to-be married couple. Maybe I can just say 'jk'. Good thing Maya didn't hear that because she would set us all straight as soon as she heard that news.

Alexander hadn't said a word to me since I said that he was my fiancée, he just kept up small chit chat with my mother and brother, Quincy. Maya had fallen asleep as soon as she went to the car, probably why she never came back for the rest of her stuff.

"So, Alex? That's what it is right? Never mind. Mind if I call you green eyes?" My mom said, her laughter filling up the car. Alexander smiles, tell her that she could while pulling Maya's phone out her small hands.

"When did you guys meet? Sophia hasn't informed me of anything so now I would like to know it all." My Mom said, turning the radio down. The car was silent and I begged in my head for Quincy to say something to get us out of this. I kicked his chair slightly, causing him to only chuckle and remain silent.

"I don't know. Babe, when was the first time we 'met'." He said, speaking the first words to me since we left the airport. My throat dried right then and there, the desperate hope for me to not have to answer any questions that I won't remember the answers to in 10 hours soaking me up.

"Well, um, Crissy.. Her boyfriend. Alex is Crissys boyfriends bestfriend. I ended up going to his birthday party. We chatted it off from there and, here we are." Atleast this part wasn't a lie.

My mother asked Alex how old he was and he answered, along with the next couple of questions. I was glad none of the questions were being appointed towards me.

That was until my good for nothing brother decided to ask if I was having a girl or boy. All eyes turned to me for a quick moment and Alexander was silent temporarily before speaking.

"We wanted to wait to when she gives birth to see what their genders are." Alexander said, a bright smile as he talked about these two buns in the oven.

"Genders? Their?" Quincy asked, feigning oblivion. He knew all of this. He just liked to put me on the spot.

"You're having twins?"

"Yes, Quincy." I stared with a monotone voice.

"Sophia! What about your dress? You were supposed to lose weight so you could fit it, not gain two whole other humans!" My mom said, her voice panicking. I rolled my eyes as we drove up the driveway to their houses.

"I can't get it refitted? The wedding is still sometime away."

"We could try."


"So, Maya is your sister? You guys are very close for your age difference. A lot of kids that have a older one that's 20-ish usually don't click but you two click perfectly." My mom said, still driving. Alexander cleated his throat before speaking.

"Maya is my daughter."

"Woah!" I let out, the car coming to a sudden completely stop. My head had flew forward, hiring the back of Quincy's seat. My mother was coughing uncontrollably while Quincy stayed silent.

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