Chapter Seventeen: "Just friends."

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"I get off at 5. If you want to come over you're welcome to. It'll just be Maya and I. What do you have planned today?"

"I have an appointment at 2. After the appointment, I think I'm going to go maternity shopping. David is going to tag along." I said into the slim device that was pressed between my ear and shoulder. I drove through the rain, hoping that traffic would ease up.

For some odd reason, I decided to go see a movie at 7 in the morning. I had woken up, got dressed, and went straight to the movie theater. When I got there, obviously, they weren't open but I wasn't staying until they did open. I drove to the library instead and now I was stuck in traffic.

Alexander called me ten minutes ago and I was still in the same spot.

"Ok. Make sure you call me when the appointment is done and tell me how everything is. Do you need anything?"

"No. I was thinking.. for the nursery at your place, do you want the two baby cribs or do you want two individual cribs?" I asked, thoughts of the cribs I saw last night creeping up in my mind.

"It doesn't matter. We need to start shopping for that shit now though." He groans before adding, "I think I have a bunch of shit from Maya but then again I didn't think I was having anymore kids anytime soon so I threw a lot of it out."

"That's alright and I know. I think I'm going to get the two baby cribs and then the small one you keep near your bed, you know?" I said, thinking about the ones I saw last night. They were cute and convenient plus they weren't confined to one gender.

"I think so. Send me the link so I can order it." He demands, the background noises getting louder. He huffed out another order to someone in his workplace.

"No." I deadpanned as I was finally able to move up a foot in traffic.

"Call me after your appointment, I'm going into my meeting now. Send me the link."

"N-" The dialtone beeps in my ear, alerting me that Alex hung up after his last demand. I roll my eyes before chucking my phone onto the passenger seat.

I wanted to do a plain white nursery with a bold yellow stripe going through the room. I wanted the crib pushed up against the right wall and a changing station on the left. The changing station I saw was a light color yellow, which was probably the color paint I would get. I also wanted a bookshelf.

I wanted a pretty basic nursery because I feel like I'm not going to be in this apartment for much longer. I doubt I'll be going back to California anytime soon but I also doubt I'll be in this apartment for another two years. Perhaps I should start looking for another apartment now.

When I go to California in two months, I could look for another apartment as well.

What would Alex think about that?

Alex.. would be fine.

Since three weeks ago where Alexander and Chance got into that altercation and I was dragged to live with Alexander for a short period of time to two nights ago, where Alexander, Chance, and Maya came to my house and ate pizza, our relationship has grown. Extremely.

Alexander and I, once we put our differences aside and talked to each other, were practically best friends. Alexander and I's newly found relationship made Crissy and I seem like acquaintances. Yes, I am pregnant with Alexander's children and originally he was a stranger to me, but now it feels like I've known him my whole life.

We'd spend night talking and even spent a day or two at each other's house occasionally. I would just browse on my laptop and watch while he worked on which ever deal or case needed to get vetoed or not.

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