Chapter Nine: "The Grinch."

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Beware: Major typos.

After our grocery trip, we all rode back to Alexander house, where my car was. The whole ride Alexander complained how he had to find another nanny and Maya could only talk about how Christmas was in four days.

I was glad that I ordered everything for Christmas while I was hanging with Maya all day. I put it on expedited shipping so they should be here by tomorrow or at least before Christmas Eve. That gave me just enough time to wrap the present and bring them over here for them. I was pretty pleased with what I got them. I may have went overboard but I usually have nobody to buy presents for so this year I may have... splurged. I hope Alexander isn't mad since I did buy a few pretty expensive gifts. What if I got Maya something he got her?

I should have asked fi-

"Sophia, you want to put this stuff in your car now?"

"Yes, I'm good here. My car i-" I cut myself off when I realized we were parked right next to my car. I offered him a smile before stepping out and unlocking my car. Alexander also exited the car and grab some grocery's out of his car. He waited while I struggled to pop the trunk.

I nervously laughed before finally getting it to open. He dumped the grocery's in there while I went for the other four bags I had. I grabbed them and turned around, dumping them in the trunk. Alexander closed the trunk before leaning against it. He had a tired look on his face and I felt bad. I could have went grocery shopping myself.

"Thank you for watching Maya. You didn't have to do that but you did, so thanks."

"It's no problem, really."

"Sophia, she really likes you. I haven't ever seen her open up with someone so quickly. Even with me, she was closed off. It took her a minute. So thank you." Alexander cut his speech short and turned abruptly and walked back to his car. I stood frozen while he grabbed Maya and her doll before swinging her on his hip and walking away to his building.

Maya waved over his head and blew me a kiss while Alexander continued to walk. I smiled gently to myself before getting in my car, ready to go home.

My ride home was quiet and short, although it usually feels like a hour to get to my house from Alex's. When I got home, I put groceries away and showered. After getting dressed, I put on some random Christmas movie on the living room television and online shopped a little more. I was bored and had money to spend.

I got myself a few things but some time during this, I realized I wasn't the only one anymore.

I had to buy things for the two buns in the oven. It's crazy to think that in a couple of month there will be two additions to my family that I contributed to making.

We would need cribs, clothes, diapers... tons of diapers. I would definitely need a breast pump because there is no way that I will be able to feed two of them at the same. If baby A was crying while I'm feeding baby B, I don't know what I'll do.

I still haven't told Alex that I am pregnant with twins, I'm scared of how he'll react. Just seeing how he bugged out with the first child being announced, now imagine with two. He already had Maya, so maybe he won't be so supportive of having three kids.

Forget Alex, let's think about my mom. Everybody on her side of the family had kids young but they all eventually became drug addicts. My mother would skin me for the wolves to eat if she knew I was pregnant and not even in a relationship with the babies father. Now, Twins?

I'm in deep shit.

With my thoughts consuming me, eventually I fall asleep on the couch.

Three days later, I find myself knocking at Alexander's door, tapping my foot patiently.

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