Chapter Forty-Seven: "Here goes nothing."

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This chapter is intertwined with the last.

Goal: 30 votes and 7 comments? Is that a stretch? Lol.

Anthony Parker's POV.

I glance over at the clock.

3:02 am.

I stand from the couch, stretching out my limbs before stepping over my older cousin. It was Chance and Quincy's night to sleep on the floor. We've been alternating since my dick of a little brother decided to disappear and no, I'm not talking about Sebastian.

Ive always been a light sleep, so of course I heard the five people upstairs. More specifically, I heard Sophia panicking.

I step over Quincy before making my way up the stairs, rubbing my eyes that burned from lack of sleep. When I step on the top step I notice one thing, Maya's bedroom light is on and Sophia's is not.

I walk down the hall and peer inside of Maya's bedroom before stepping inside. It was empty. She had dragged her bed covers all the way to the door before deciding to abandon them. I follow the sounds of crying, pushing open Sophia's bedroom door.

Her bathroom light was on, the small amount of light slipping from under the door and offering a slither of light to the dark bedroom.

"I'm so sorry, I can't do this." Sophia says, over and over again.

Although it is very dark in the room, I can make out a few things. Sophia is standing up in front of the small cart bed thingy that allowed all three babies to sleep and be in peacefully next to Sophia's bed. In her arms were two babies, I'm not sure which of the three they were but I can tell that there is a baby on each shoulder. The las tabby is inside the cart that Sophia is rocking back and forth with her foot.

My eyes gaze over to another object, Maya. She sat on the side of the bed, whimpering. She was crying.

Everybody in this room was crying.

The triplets were screaming there tiny lungs out, Sophia was freaking out, and Maya was teaching out for Sophia as she cried.

"I'm sorry I'm such a bad mom. I can't do this, I can't help all of you at the same time. I'm sorry." Sophia breaks into a sob and I decide to step deeper in the room.


"You want Daddy I know. I know." Sophia coos through a sob. Her words make Maya cry even more.

Anthony Parker is swiping in to save the day.

I grab a the babies from Sophia, which ends up being Jalen and Jaisiah, and immediately she falls back onto the bed. The most wretched sob rips through her as Maya crawls into her arms. "When's daddy coming home?"

"I don't know baby. I miss him too." Sophia says as she pulls a sobbing Maya to her chest. I bounce the two babies against my chest before moving to the bottle warmer. It was empty.

"I'm going to make them some bottles, okay?" I say, not expecting a answer. I set Jalen and Jaisiah down into the cart before wheeling it into the nursery. I turn the light on and immediately push the pacifiers into each newborns mouth. They all reject except Jaisiah.

In the month I've had to get to know my oldest nephew, I've realized he loves his pacifier. Jasmine hated it, almost never using it. Jalen only used it when he wasn't hungry. He was a man who knew what he wanted. If he wasn't hungry, he'd accept it.

I move to each tiny little bottle, putting in formula in each of them before pouring the water out of one of the gallon containers we had laying around the room. My eyes make there way back to Jalen who is kicking his small ass feet around.

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