Chapter Fifteen: "Your face."

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Whew, mature content. I used multiple words in here that make me cringe so... just know you've been warned.
For the duration that I have been pregnant, majority of things have went over smoothly.

Pregnancy cravings? Very little and rare.

Morning sickness? I hated it but it wasn't nothing I couldn't handle.

The weight? Okay, maybe this was a little rough. My doctors expected me to gain almost 55 pounds and although I have been a little on the thicker side my whole life, I wasn't thrilled about becoming even bigger.

But the sexual hormones? That was a different story. Up until today I experienced little to no sexual desire. My bulging stomach automatically cut any wants from my mind.

But, this, was a need.

It was almost as if my body was on fire and the only thing that could extinguish it was... sex. I felt as if I was in actual heat.

I woke up, immediately feeling off. I carried myself into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face. I put my wash rag onto the rack and stared back at myself into the mirror.

My grey tank top clung to my body like a second skin. It was rising up slightly, sense I had been bending at the sink before. I pull the shirt down before looking back up towards my face.

My face was, indeed, puffy. I can tell how Quincy could tell I was pregnant two days ago. Although I had just waken up, I could tell that this wasn't just the puffiness from me being asleep. This was actual pregnancy weight. I smile, just to see how high up my cheeks go. Then I manage a straight face, observing.

Something else was off.

My body gazed down and I noticed how warm I was.

And how much my boobs had grown.

As if they grew over night, my boobs had grow at least two sizes, if not, three. The threatened to spill out of my bra and tank top. I touch my chest, my hand trailing down to where I slightly slipped from my bra. I pull my bra up, only for my boob to slip out from the bottom. I let out a cry and left the bathroom in frustration.

Just as I exited, the doorbell rang. I grab my phone, glancing at the time.


Wow, I awoke late!

I make my way to he door, pulling it open.

Immediately, I could feel blood rush between my thighs and spread across my cheeks. My mouth drained it self of all lubricant and partially fell open. I don't know what it was, like I mentioned early. Perhaps it was the pregnancy hormones. Maybe it was his attire and all I could think about was that night. All I could even think about was how big his d-

"Are you okay? You're flushed." His smooth, deep voice rang, making my eyes look up towards his eyes.

His hair was placed up, a dark and messy bun sat on his head. A thin pink headband, that I recognized as Maya's, kept his hair out his face. His face was clear of any facial hair and his eyes were vibrant. His face was, slightly red? Perhaps it was cold out side, but he wore a pair of grey Nike sweatpants and a matching hoodie. My eyes gaze down his body, all the way down to his feet.

Okay, wasn't expecting that.

"Crocs." Was all I could mutter, which let out a beautiful laugh from Alexander. He step back, throwing his head back slightly and attempting to laugh quietly.

"Yes, mama. Can I come in? I bought you lunch but by the way it's looking.. breakfast." He asked. I had only then realized the rolled up white and red bag in his hand. He carried a drink carton with the other.

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