Chapter Fifty: "Alexander the Maniac."

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Goal: 40 votes and 10 comments. Easy bc last chapter got like 73 votes lmfao I didn't know there was that many readers.

After telling Alexander that we actually couldn't have sex and a quick shower, we were on our way to his parents house.

Jaisiah has been getting fussy, according to Arabella. In the background, it was a lot of commotion during the call. This only fueled Alexander the Maniac to drive about fifty miles faster than the speed limit.

We got to Aiden and Sarah Parker's house in about six minutes, fifteen minutes quicker than we should have. Alexander pulls into the driveway after breaking both of our necks and unbuckling his seatbelt. He looks at me, a frown on his face while we sit in the car.

"I don't have your ring."

"What ring?"

"Your engagement ring! I proposed to you without a ring!"

"It's okay."

"It's not that I didn't buy a ring, it was inside the diaper bag."

"Well, maybe it's still there." I shrug, unbuckling my seatbelt. I go to open the door and I am stopped.

I look over at Alex, his wide eyes looking at me expectantly.

"You're stalling." I say, realizing what he was starting to delay.

"What if they hate me? What if thy don't even recognize me? What if Maya is mad at me?"

"Maya's the reason we knew where you were. She's not mad at all, she loves you." I attempt to convince him, putting my hand on top of his. He takes a deep breath nodding at me before motioning for me to get out the car. I open my door, standing up, only to get stopped... again.

"My dad is going to kick my ass."

"Probably." I say, shutting the door behind me so that Alex has no choice but to get out. I hear his door open and close, followed by the noises being made underneath his sneaker as he walked. He catches up with me, grabbing my hand and looking at me with a slight smile.

"I love you."

"I love you. Now, let's go get our kids. I can hear Jaisiah crying." I smile, walking into the house with Alexander by my side. Immediately, Jaisiah is shoved into my arms by Arabella. Alex's dad, Aiden, is standing near the couch, cradling Jasmine and Jalen.

I don't see Maya anywhere, but I know she's here somewhere.

Alex is bombarded with hugs from his Mom, sister, Dad, brother while he attempts to step through the threshold. I hold Jaisiah, making him calm down why Alex's family questions him.

"I'm back for good." Alex nodded. He turns to me, his eyes getting wide at the red headed baby in my arms.

"Jaisiah, look at daddy." I coo to him, lifting his arm and waving to Alexander. Alexander looks almost... lost for words. He pauses, slightly cocking his head. A frown come on his face and he holds his arms out. I immediately put Jaisiah in his arms, securing Alexander's arms around Jaisiah chubby frame.

"He's definitely about to start crying." Aurora says, laughing. She snaps a picture of Alex and Jaisiah on her phone before tucking it into her back pocket. Arabella stands behind her sister, debating on when Alex will start crying. Aurora says in a minutes and Arabella says sooner, in the next thirty seconds.

I say the moment he sees Maya.

Aiden walks back into the room with Jalen and Jasmine, the latter was beginning to cry. I grab Jasmine and Alexander reaches for Jalen.

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