Chapter Thirty-Four: "Pool."

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Sophia's POV

It was our second day in California and my mom dragged me up at the ass crack of dawn to get my dress fitted. We stayed there for about four hours. I didn't get to meet Quincy's fiancée and I was kind of glad. I was mildly nervous about meeting her.

I still didn't even know her name.

Quincy barely talks about her and for her wedding to be soon, neither does anybody else in the house.

Anyways, the dress fitting went alright. I just don't like standing there for so long. My ankles are swelling just thinking about it.

Now, we are driving back. It's 11:30 am now and Alexander had texted me earlier, asking where I was at. I didn't even get a chance to respond because my mother took my phone saying 'you guys need to learn to not be all up on each other'.

Even though we are not. Only mildly.

Not my fault he can't keep his hands to himself.

I can't help that I'm delectable.

Now, my mom is driving and I'm sitting in the passenger seat. In the back seat is my cousin Amanda and Chloe. Both of their dresses are fitted but they tagged along for the gossip.

They talked for hours about random things during the fitting, most of which didn't even have anything to do with anything. I zoned out a couple of times, not really concerned about who had gotten a boob job recently or how Austin's sister dyed her hair and it looked terrible. Some of the people they talked about, I didn't even know.

"Is he good in bed, Sophy?"

I snap out of my zone, for obvious reasons, trying to figure out what we were talking about previously.

Amanda asks me again from the backseat. Her face peers over the seat as she awaits a answer.

I feel like the car gets dead silent. Even my Mother is waiting for an answer.

I debate whether or not to tell the truth or not.

Should I say "hell yeah, he is. I'd pay to have sex with him."

Or do I say, "is that an appropriate question?"

"Well, he must be if she got pregnant this young. You know she swore she wasn't going to have kids until she was thirty."

Thanks, Mom.

"I feel like he has a big dick, sorry Chloe."

"Okay, Manda. That is completely out of pocket." My mom says while my face flushes. "He does." I blurt out, not evenmeaning to.

"I knew it! 5 to 9 or like 9 plus?"

"I'm not answering that."

"At least tell me whether or not you guys are going to have more kids. I can already tell you guys are going to have some cute little mixed babies."

"He wants six kids. I want three."

"Well, you're father wanted four."

"Speaking of kids, you're pregnant?" I ask, finding the perfect time to divert attention off of me. I remember Quincy mentioning that she was.

"I mean, no. We are trying."


"I know what you're going to say! But if not I want to adopt. I don't have anybody to look after anymore."

"Quincy literally lives with you, Auntie." Chloe says, speaking again. "I live with you."

"Y'all don't need me. If I gave you a hundred thousand dollars and told you to survive for the next few weeks then you'd be able to. I want a small baby."

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