Chapter Ten: "Merry Christmas!"

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It was Christmas Day, and since I decided to spend the night last night, here I was in the morning, opening presents from Alexander. I had Crissy help me bring all the presents I had picked out for Maya and Alex when she dropped me off yesterday. I was excited for them to open them, but they were obviously more excited for me to open whatever they got me.

I was awoken by Alex and Maya, both of them on the bed I slept in last night. They both had matching red and white striped pajamas that had a P on it, for Parker assumingly. Alex sported a Santa hat and Maya had her hair in the same braids I put them in last night. The wide smiles on their faces made me immediately smile before sitting up. Maya handed me a headband that had antlers on it before reminding me what day it was.

I was dragged down the stairs to where the presents and tree was. The presents had multipled by 3 since last night, showing that Santa truly did come.

Now, Alexander sat on the floor with Maya while I sat in the brown chair, attempting to unwrap a present that Maya had apparently gotten and wrapped for me. The name tag said, in a very Maya like handwriting, 'To Sophia + my baby sister or brother. From Maya :)'

She had put a lot of tape on it, so it was taking me a while to peel it open. Alex was now reaching for another gift. Out of the corner of my eye, I could tell that it was a gift I bought him. He placed it next to him before grabbing one of the gifts I bought Maya from behind the tree. He passed it to her while grabbing his and placing it in front of him.

She tore through the tissue paper, immediately getting to the present. She let out a groan when she saw that the present was wrapped with wrapping paper. Alexander and I relaxed and watched her as she tore the wrapping paper off and stood up. She nearly screamed louder than ever, causing me to smile at her excitement.

"Daddy! Oh my God! Thank you, thank you Sophia! Daddy! This is what I was trying to tell you I wanted! This has ALL the Disney movies in it! See! Look! Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Tangled. It has The Little Mermaids daughters' movie! Melody! Sophia! Thank you!" She rambled, quickly stepping over the presents and making her way over to Alexander with a wide smile. He smiled at her joy before looking at me. I smiled back and chuckled slightly.

She was ecstatic about it before coming over to me and offering me a hug. While trying to hug me, she saw I was having trouble opening her gift. She let off a scoff before speaking "I got this."

She expertly tore off all the tape and wrapping within five seconds of her hands being on the box. She gave it back to me and it was a large shoe box like box. She went back to her spot while looking for another present, leaving me to begin to open the actual box. Alexander was now starting to open his gift as well.

I removed the top box and looked around at the contents.

There was many different things. On one side of the box were bath and body works, three sets of them. All tied together by sets were BBW lotion, perfume, and shower gel. The scents were Frosted Coconut Snowball, Winter Candy Apple, and Twisted Peppermint. My eyes moved to another item in the basket - well, box. A plastic water bottle stuck out. It was purple and had a S on it, filled with Kool-aid water flavoring. Tucked into the other side was a large bag of Cheetos, my favorite chip. As I looked around the box some more, I realized the boarder of the box had gift cards glued on to them. There was about six inches of empty space between each card, making it 9 in total. I read the places for them.

Subway, of course. Starbucks, Sushi King, Chick-fil-A, Target, Victoria Secret, Toys R Us, Nike and Apple. My heart was in awe from the items and I wasn't even done.

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