Chapter Forty: "Welcome home!"

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Short chapter for a reason.

Three days later.

We've just returned to New York and have gotten into the car.

Leaving this time was much harder than when Quincy was the one leaving. Over the course of two weeks, the Parkers have won over the hearts of everybody in my family. They were adored and loved. My mother, Chloe, Amanda and all the younger girls couldn't get enough of Alex. As well as Maya. She had everybody, trust me when I say that, wrapped around her tiny little fingers.

Chris and Quincy both had a hard time allowing us to leave. We ended up having to get a new flight because Chris thought it would be funny to play hide and seek with Maya. Of course, he's the one who hid her and acted like he couldn't find her when it was time for us to leave. He ended up taking her to the neighbors house, where she watched cartoon for five hours instead of us being on the next plane to New York.

Everybody, and I mean everybody, exchanged phone numbers with Alexander when we went to say our goodbyes. They barely remember to say goodbye to me because they just hoarded around Alex.

My mother and father promised to fly over the week I was supposed to give birth. Everybody claimed they would tag along as well and of course that led to a debate.

Now, Alex, Maya and I are in the car on our way back to Alexander's apartment. I'm kind of sleeping, I was jet lagged but Maya was very awake and very inquisitive.

"Daddy, that's the wrong turn. We usually turn at the bodega where we get the good juice from." She comments, watching something on Alexander phone.

"I'm taking a different way." He says, speeding down an empty road. Maya pauses what ever she's watching to speak again.

"You never take different ways. Why are you taking a different way?"

"Because the traffic is bad and I don't want to get caught in it."

"Why not?" She questions again, almost beginning to sound like she interrogating him.

"Because I'm tired. I've been up for the past three days working, you like to play hide and seek for five freaking hours, your siblings are making Sophia cranky, Sophia's making daddy cranky. He just wants to get in his bed and go to sleep." Alexander rants, stopping at the traffic light. I'm tired so all I can do is blink at what Alexander says. (A/n LMFAOOO guys I'm so tired but I'm also rewatching the vampire diaries so instead of writing Alexander I wrote Damon. Continue.)

"Nobody told you to stay up."

"Maya, go to sleep." Alexander groans. Shortly after, Alexander's phone begins ringing.

"Who is it?"

"Uncle Tony. He wants FaceTime." She says. "Answer." Alex demands, rubbing his eyes.

She answers and immediately Anthony's voice fills the car.

"Hey Maya, wheres Daddy?"

"Taking the wrong way home. He's in front of me." Maya snickers whole Alex groans before beginning to tap the steering wheel. I decide to open my eyes. I obviously wasn't going to get any sleep and time soon and we couldn't be too far from home now.

"Ask him how far you guys are from home." Anthony says before clicking his tongue. The repetitive noise begins to fill the short silence that had begun to spread.

"I'm like ten minutes away." Alex says. His words have a little emphasis on them and he jerks the car into a sharp turn.

"Okay well, can you go by Nicks house before you get home? I need you to pick up my stuff and it's on the way anyways."

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