Chapter Seven: "Mamas,"

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"There's an appointment tomorrow, if you wanna come. It's at the place I texted you. Let me know if you are coming!" I said, ending the voicemail.

Alexander hasn't exactly been answering these last couple days, so I wasn't sure whether he wanted to come or not. I decided that just leaving him a message was the best way to invite him. I hadn't talked to him since I texted him an apology for blowing up at him that night at his apartment. He responded with a lengthy paragraph which really basically said 'thank your for realizing that you were wrong and I was right.I must say, I spotted many errors in what I said afterwards. I aplogize I hope this never happens again. Goodnight.' yada yada yada. The argument happened Monday night and I sent the apology Wednesday night. I secretly hoped it would give me a reason to not hang out with David that day.

David, Crissy, and I actually hit it off pretty great. David was hilarious. He told us about how he just moved out of his parents place and found this apartment next to mine. He had lived in New York his whole life and thought I looked familiar. I joked that we could have been in the same hospital together since we shared a birthday together and were both born in New York. He had a 'girl' who he often slept with, he told us due to Crissy begging to know about his sex life. He was almost like a best friend already. He told me about his bestfriend who was supposed to move in with him, but ended up taking the open apartment downstairs. The apartment was right under his, so sometimes he'd stomp loudly to mess with Grayson (his friend) and how Grayson would respond by hitting the ceiling with a broomstick. He said that he liked living here and wouldn't mind being friends with us. It actually turned out to be a pretty successful evening. We ate pizza and wings while talking and watching random movies for about 6 hours until David went to 'help his girl' with something. Which we all knew was a code for having sex. He dismissed himself and surely, ten minutes later, we heard him 'helping' his girlfriend.

David was nice and innocent. Well, not innocent but innocent intentions for Crissy and I.

Anyways, I reached down and put my phone on the charger, feeling my already large stomach touching against my legs. Tomorrow, I would find out how healthy the baby was and get my first chance to see it. I was excited and nervous, to say the least. I hope everything is okay and nothing is wrong. I also googled what I should be able to do at the current stage I am in and pretty much every site said I will be able to see the gender. Although I'd rather not see it until I know Alexander will be able to see it along with me. I didn't know why I felt like this, I feel like it was unfair to him. So, if Alexander didn't come today, I would just wait until he can come to see the gender, even if that means when I give birth to our future child.

I put my phone on the charger and swung my legs onto my bed. My heart rates excelled even thinkin about tomorrow. I was nervous. What if something was wrong.

Nothing will be wrong, my subconscious reminded me. I let out a sigh before staring out the window. The noisy sounds of New York still reaches my floor but it was soothing to me, so I laid down and my body soon fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up extremely nervous but excited. Today was the day I would finally get to see my baby. Today, I would realize that this is actually real. There is an actual child inside of me. My body is being used a temporary home for this human that I helped create. For these following months it wasn't just me. It was me and this baby. This baby and I.

It was weird to think about. Alexander and I's baby will live inside of me for the next few months (if everything goes right, that is.). It will eat from me, grow in me, and soon come out. Then, for the rest of its life I will be responsible for making sure the child has clothes on its back, a roof over its head, food in its belly, and a proper education. My baby would grow up in the best way possible. I've always wanted kids just for the sole reason of being able to spoil them. Just for me to be able to build trust with them so that they know they can come to me for anything and not be judged. Also, so we can talk about boyfriends and girlfriends.

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