Chapter Twenty: "Are you drunk?"

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This chapter is all over the place but it finally got my story back on track. :)


Alexander POV

I watch as my mom pulls Sophia away, both of them going to the balcony. Sophia looks at me, worriedly and I smile at her.

My mom was already in love with her.

"I thought I said wait until dessert!"

"Maya's the one who told y'all."

"You're going to have three kids. Not to mention that Sophia is hot. I'd want her to have MY kids." Aurora said, getting agreements from everybody around the room. We all sat in the living room while Stella and Sebastian sat in their bouncers. Maya and Maddison stayed in one corner, playing with barbies.

My older siblings sat on the couch opposite of mine while Aurora and Arabella sat on the same as mine.

"He wasn't even going to tell us. Can you believe him?" Arabella points to me before speaking again.

"I can't believe she's Sophia Matthews. You guys went to the same high school. That's crazy!"

"I knew she looked familiar. She was in my AP Bio class." Andrew says, stretching out.

"Chance went to college with her. Y'all went to high school with her and I got her pregnant."

"When did you even... sleep with her?" Aurora whispers, counting in her head.

"Your birthday party? Ew!"

"I knew you got some that night. You left and didn't come back. The party started like a hour before ." Anthony frowned while Andrew applauded me. I let out a slight chuckle as I watched Maya throw her doll in the air.

"How long has Maya known? She can't keep a secret for shit."

"She's known as long as I have known."

"Which was...?"

"Maybe four or three months?" I say, watching as Arabella looks behind us, out the balcony. "You guys aren't dating and you're having two kids tomorrow."

"Trust me," I say, a smile spreading across my face as I look at the beautiful girl talking to my Mother. She had a smile and was resting her hands against her stomach. "She's been mine since the moment I put my seed in her."

"She probably doesn't even like you."

"I guess I'll have to tie her to the stripper pole in my closet until she does."

"Wait, you have a stripper pole in your closet? How much did that cost? I'm definitely going to need to invest in that." Anthony says, laughing. I shake my head as Andrew murmurs about how I was joking.

I wasn't but okay.

"Can I come to the baby shower?"

"We aren't having one. We are just going to buy stuff."

"Trust me, you are."

"Wait, who else knows?"

"All of us. Maya. Chance."

"Chance knew before us?" Andrew let's out a groan before running a hand through his hair.

"Chance and Sophia are like best friends! He's the one who got her to come to my party." I said, resting my elbows on my knees. My brothers eyebrows raise at this.

"Are they bestfriends or are they fuck buddies?"

"Swear jar!" Maya says, looking back quickly at her uncle. He rolls his eyes before holding up a dollar. He slides it to the coffee table in front of him while looking back towards me.

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