Chapter 15 [Liam]

Start from the beginning

The lads and I finally settled in the front row of the theatre so we can get a close look of the auditionees. Julie and the French boy walked to Nessy and Alex. She passed by me and our eyes met for a second. She immediately turned away which made my heart pang again. Is she still mad at me? The thought that she might be makes me feel weak.

"Alright, alright. GATHER ROUND!", Ms. Russo was yelling on stage. "In this audition, you can either sing or act. We will call your name and if you're not here a minute after we call your name then you are out of this audition!", she said. Damn woman, you're so scary. She then added, "Well then. No time to lose. Let's start."

I looked at Louis and he looked nervous. I don't know why but I feel nervous too. Ms. Russo's freakin' scary. Mrs. Roberts is a very professional actress and Mr. Lawrence is, well, just Mr. Lawrence.


I swear I heard Louis yelp like a girl. We all gave him a thumbs up and he slowly went up the stage carrying the script with him. From behind, I could hear a few girls giggle and fangirl. Oh, right. Being in college almost made me forget that I was in a band. I almost felt normal (except when girls giggle and fangirl everytime we pass by).

"State your name. What you will be doing and the role you're auditioning for.", Mr. Lawrence said. Louis nodded then said, "I'm Louis Tomlinson and I'm auditioning for the role of Doc." I heard some people chuckle. I read the script already. Doc is a serious character and well, Louis is far from serious. But he's a good actor.

"I'm gonna do some acting.", he said. "Alright.", Mrs. Roberts beamed. "Proceed to Act 5." Louis nodded. "You may start with 'Curfew gentlemen!'", Mrs. Roberts said. "I will read the Jets' lines for you. I will be looking at the way you talk and your facial expressions, Mr. Tomlinson. Let us start." The scene began and it went like this.

Doc: Curfew, gentelmen. And lady. Baby John, you should be home in bed.

Baby John: We're gonna have a ware council in here, Doc.

Doc: A who?

A- Rab: To decide on weapons for a big time rumble!

Doc: Weapons. You couldn't play basketball?

Anybodys: Get it with, buddy boy.

Doc: War councils--

Action: Don't start Doc.

Doc: Rumbles...

Action: Doc---

Doc: When I was your age--

Action: When you was my age, when my old man was my age; when my brother was my age! You was never my age, None a you! The sooner you creeps get a hip to that, the sooner you'll dig us.

Doc: I'll dig you early graves. That's what I'll do.

A- Rab: Dig, dig, dig--

Doc: What are you gonna be when you grow up?

"Thank you Mr. Tomlinson.", Mrs. Roberts smiled. The audience clapped. Louis did great. He looked so serious which is so rare since Louis is a total rascal. I bet he will get this role.

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