Chapter 42

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"Ready to go?" Zac asked me as he walked up to me, just as I shut my locker.

I turned around and leaned back against the locker row, while Matt and the girls walked up to us as well. I pushed myself off the locker row and adjusted the straps of my backpack.

"Let's go then." Zac said looking at all of us, before turning around to walk ahead with Matt beside him.

I felt all of the girls looking at me, when I looked up they awkwardly looked away and started walking. I sighed and bit the inside of my cheek, before starting to walk as well.

"(Y/N)?" I heard Ariana's voice from behind me ask. We all turned around and saw her slowly walking up to me from the other side of the hallway.

"You guys go ahead, I'll meet you outside in just a minute." I told them all, but mainly looking at Zac and Matt.

The two boys nodded before holding the entrance doors open for the girls, who were hesitantly looking back at me and Ariana. I offered them a reassuring smile, which made them decide to do as I told them. The entrance doors clicked shut, the sound of it echoing through the empty hallways. I found myself alone in it with Ariana standing right in front of me.

"Where are you guys going?" The small cheerleader asked me confused, playing with her fingers.

"We have some stuff to figure our, regarding those things I told you about." I explained to her, keeping it vague since we might not know who might be listening.

"Can I come with?" She asked me shyly, looking up at me with those big brown eyes.

"It's too dangerous, Ariana. Please, stay here." I told her with a sigh, causing her to look disappointed.

"I don't care, I want to help you." She spoke with a frown, confidently looking at me.

"I know you do, but I don't want you to get hurt or anything." I told her seriously, before a honk was heard from outside.

"Please just stay here, with Chloe. I've gotta go." I told her before attempting to walk away, but was stopped by her hand grabbing ahold of mine.

I turned back around and looked down at her hand in mine, before looking back up into her eyes.

"Please be careful, (Y/N)." She told me with a soft voice and a soft expression.

"I'll try." I gave her hand a little squeeze before letting it go and walking towards the entrance.

"Text me when you can." I heard Ariana say just as I had opened one of the doors.

I turned around to nod and smile at her, before walking out of the school building. I walked down the steps and  saw Zac, Matt and Camila in Zac's car waiting for me. Zac's arm hung out the window while the three of them watched me approach the car.

"Everything okay?" Zac asked me as I rounded the car to sit in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, everything's cool." I told him before I opened the door and got in.

He nodded with a smile and I put on my seat belt. I looked into the rearview mirror to see the other girls pull up behind is, in Normani's car, with Ally behind the wheel. Ally used her lights to sign at Zac that they were ready to go. Zac got the hint put the car into Drive, pressing down on the gas pedal. After a few seconds, we were off the school's parking lot.

Zac put the car to a stop and turned off the engine. He grabbed his phone and rang Lauren, as we watched the girls pull up behind is and turn off the car's engine as well. A few seconds later, the call went through and we heard Lauren answer.

"You're on speaker, what's the plan?" She asked us, while I looked out the window to the almost abandoned gas station.

"You guys go in there and get the stuff, Dinah and I will fill up the tank." Zac informed all of us, including the girls in the other car.

He ended the call and everyone got out of the car. Dinah and Zac stayed behind while the rest of us made our way inside the small gas station shop. The automatic doors opened for us and a bell was heard upon our entrance. A 90's song was heard playing at a low volume, just soft enough to recognize it.

We all shared a look before we separated, searching in different sections of the shop. Matt and I walked towards the electronics department and grabbed a couple of flashlights. From our previous visit to the creepy house, we learned that phones aren't the best things to use as flashlights down there.

When we all had gathered what was needed, we walked towards the cashier. One by one, we all placed our items onto the desk for the cashier to scan. The girls all walked away to wander around the store more, while Matt and I stood in front of the cashier.

The boy, who looked only a few years older than us, looked at the items confused while scanning them. When he looked up at us with his eyebrows knitted together, it seemed like he was under influence of marijuana. His slightly squinted red eyes looked us over, while Matt and I smiled at him innocently before he returned to scanning the items.

"Flashlights, a set of multiple walkie-talkies.. You guys are up to something illegal, aren't you?" The cashier commented with a slow chuckle. I looked down at his name tag; Bryan.

"Nah, we're just going camping, that's all." Matt quickly made up, while Bryan slowly typed something in on his computer.

"Right.. Well, I was no saint either when I was in High School, so I'm not gonna say anything." Bryan chuckled while looking at us, causing us to nervously chuckle with him.

"Is that all, little rebels?" He asked us, chuckling at his own nickname for us.

"Yes, this and the two cars outside all together." I told him, pointing at Dinah and Zac who leaned against the two cars already being done filling up the tanks since they weren't entirely empty in the first place.

"Alright, that'll be $46,13 please?" He asked the two us after typing in something into the computer again.

Matt took out his wallet and handed Bryan $48, the guy took it and put it into the register. Matt and I collected our stuff while Bryan started fishing for change.

"Keep the change, man." Matt told him, ready to walk away.

"Really? Thanks dudes, see ya later, little rebels." Bryan told us with a big smile, and all of us exited the gas station store.

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