Chapter 22

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When I entered the bathroom, I walked towards the sink and lend on it looking down. I let out a deep sigh and looked up at myself in the mirror.

"Hi (Y/N/N)."

"Jesus Christ! Ariana, please! Stop doing that." I spoke obviously in shock of the brunette suddenly appearing from behind me.

"Sorry (Y/N/N), I didn't mean to scare you." She said sincerely, walking towards the sink next to mine to wash her hands. I ran a hand through my hair and let out a deep sigh.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for yelling like that. It's just.. you startled me." I apologized, turning towards the brunette.

"It's okay, I forgive you. If.." Ariana spoke with a flirtatious tone in her voice, dragging her index finger under my chin.

"If..?" I asked frowning, removing her hand from my face.

"If you let me kiss you, at least once." She spoke softly, smiling at me innocently.

"What? Why would I do that?" I asked her confused.

"Cause I want to. And.. I always get what I want." She answered, running her fingers over my cheek slowly.

"Well I'm not going to do that Ariana, I'm sorry." I spoke, taking her hand off me and stepping away from her.

"Why not?" She pouted, stomping the ground with her foot like a spoiled kid.

"Because she's my girlfriend." Camila and Lauren both spoke in unison out of nowhere, walking into the bathroom.

When they both noticed what they said, they looked at each other confused before putting on a mask as if it was normal.

"Very believable coming from the both of you." Ariana snorted, glaring at the two of them with her arms folded over her chest.

"But it's true." Camila said, as Lauren and her walked over to stand on either side of me with an arm around my waist.

Lauren and Camila smiled at me, then both kissed me on the cheek. When I looked at Ariana, she was fuming. I wouldn't be surprised if steam would come out of her nose and ears, like in the cartoons.

"If it is, then prove it." Ariana challenged with a smirk on her face.

"Remember that night that I was over at her house and so were you? Yeah, we were already a couple then." Lauren explained, looking at me in a loving way.

"Yeah and the next day, I came over. I wanted to be with (Y/L/N) and Lolo as well. And remember when you walked by when (Y/N) had just opened the door, and I was like: 'Don't stand there as chocked as you did when I kissed you.'?" Camila explained, looking at Lauren and I with a smile on her face as if she was in love.

"This is so fake! I'm the most popular girl in school! If anything like that could happen, I would have known right away." Ariana complained, growing more frustrated by the second.

"Well, we like our privacy." Lauren said, as Camila and her kissed my cheek once again.

"This is so not over!" Ariana groaned, exiting the bathroom.

I let out a deep sigh and looked at the two girls still holding me tightly. They just looked at me with smiles on their faces, so I startled the both of them by kissing them on the cheek.

"Thank you, honestly I don't think she'll ever leave me alone but this might have helped." I said smiling at them, as they looked at me blushing not saying a word.

"Come one guys, I think the food's almost ready. Let's go before those hyenas eat it all." I chuckled, letting go of them then walking out of the bathroom.

With the girls joining our group, our table was packed now. So when we were in the bathroom, the others had asked for a bigger table. When I walked around it, I only spotted one free seat. I sat down and gestured for Camila and Lauren to both sit on one of my legs.

As soon as they sat down, the waitress arrived with our food. Since I didn't have any space to reach for the food, they both kept feeding me. While the others were eating and talking, not even noticing what was going on...Ariana was across from us just glaring, but we ignored her. If I was a bystander, I would've thought the three of us were indeed a thing.

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