Chapter 13

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I walked up the stairs, slowly running my fingers over the railing incase I'd fall. The stairs was covered in ivy, and pieces of bricks.

When I reached the top of the stairs, I shined around the hallway with my dimmed flashlight. There still was furniture in the house, cause according to Zac (who informed Matt and I a little more about the house) no one dared to come into the house after the last incident. I walked towards the first door, which seemed to be a bedroom, and slowly opened the door.

A single bed was placed on the left side of the room, and some toys were spread all over the floor. I walked towards the toys and saw some drawings on the floor next to them. The drawings were mostly of the family of four that used to live there. I picked one of the drawings and looked at the rough child-like sketch. There were a man and a woman, obviously the parents. Next to them were a little girl and a larger boy, which were the kids of the couple. Obviously, it was the little girl that drew the drawing. I slowly ran my finger over the drawing and sighed. The way the girl had drawn the family looked like they were happy together. But everything went down hill.

I dropped the drawing and made my way to the next room. When I opened the door I was met with a neat looking bedroom. A double bed was placed against the back wall, in the middle. There was nothing special in this room so I made my way out to the hallway again. I entered the third room, which seemed like the play room. Back when this family lived here the technology wasn't as advanced as it is right now, so an old small tv, an old radio and some more toys were the only things to find in the room. I looked around and saw that this was the room that had the window facing mine. I looked out the window and looked at my own window. It's weird that someone or something might have stood her watching me then suddenly vanishing.

I shook the thoughts and the goosebumps off and walked out to the hallway again. I walked towards the last door of this floor and stood in front of the door. I opened the door and was met with your typical teenage room. The walls were a red color and were covered in posters. Most of them were from artists like Frank Sinatra and Jimmy Davis, others I couldn't quite recognize, seeing because it was way before my time. I saw some homework and other paperwork next to an old typewriter. I walked towards an old record player and found a box next to it on the table filled with records. I grabbed one of the records and read the title; Louis Jourdan - Decca. It was an entire album, but I never heard of it.

I was brought out of my thought when I heard my walkie-talkie making a noise. "Guys, this is Zac. I'm in the kitchen and you gotta see this. Over." Zac whispered, sounding excited yet creeped out. "I'm be right there. Over." I spoke into the walkie-talkie. "Me too. Over." Matt answered as well. "Roger that. Man I've always wanted to say that." Zac said whispering the last part, making me chuckle. I turned around and walked downstairs towards the kitchen.

Matt and I walked into the kitchen at the same time and saw Zac looking out the window. When he heard us he turned around to face us. "You guys, I checked the basement and it was locked. I tried to open it but it's impossible. And then I walked into the kitchen and looked out the window at the tree. I just thought it was weird that suddenly there is a big bush in front of it. I drive by this house every day, ever since I was little I could see this yard. But i just realized it's only been here two weeks now." Zac explained frowning. "Whats so weird about that? It's just a bush. Plants and bushes and tree grow, thats not weird that's just nature." Matt said. "But that's the thing, I never saw it grow or whatever, suddenly it's just there. " Zac answered making me frown. "Wanna take a look at it?" I asked Zac, who immediately nodded. The three of us walked outside and towards the tree. "So wh-OH MY GOD!" Matt started then screamed cause a growling dog came running towards us making us run away fast. "WHERE THE HELL DID THE DOG COME FROM! IT WASN'T THERE BEFORE!" Matt screamed while we ran towards the fence where we originally came from. "MAYBE IT WAS ASLEEP! WE WERE QUIET BEFORE BUT NOW WE WERE JUST TALKING LOUD!" Zac answered as he stood with his back against the fence and Matt ran towards him, Zac lifting him over the fence. Zac sat on the fence as I ran towards it, jumping and grabbing Zac's arm making him lift me over the fence. As we stood on the other side of the fence, the dog reached us but was yanked back by a chain around his neck. I looked at where the chain ended; around the tree. I frowned and we walked towards the car fast and got in.

"I KNEW THIS WAS A BAD IDEA GUYS! WE WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THERE!" Matt screamed as Zac put the car in reverse then drove forward again. "Well the dog wasn't supposed to be there either.." I said frowning. "What do you think it was doing there? Who do you think it was trying to keep out?" Zac asked me, handing Matt a paper bag cause he was hyperventilating. Matt snatched the paper bag out of  Zac's grasp and breathed in and out fast. "It was more like it was guarding something.." I said, trying to think. Suddenly Matt stopped breathing into the paper bag and turned towards me in the backseat. "WHAT THE HELL KINDA HARRY POTTER SHIT IS THIS?!" He asked wide eyed, with a high pitched voice. Zac laughed and turned the radio up. "Let's forget about this just for a second, we'll talk about it in the morning. Let's go to McDonalds, it's still open." Zac spoke up, making Matt smile. "I do need my chicken nuggets.." Matt spoke up making Zac and I chuckle.

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