Chapter 18

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Assuming the boys were back in the library, I speed walked there. Arriving there, I immediately spotted the two boys and hastily made my way over to their table. The table was filled with books, some notebooks and there was a laptop next to them as well. The boys were too caught up in a book, they didn't notice me until I spoke up.

"Did you guys find anything?" I asked, sitting down across from them. They looked up and furrowed their eyebrows. "Are you okay? You look even worse than you did before you went to the nurses office." Matt asked, Zac nodded in agreement. "That doesn't matter right now. Did you guys find anything?" I asked growing inpatient right now. "Well, not exactly. But we're still looking. " Matt spoke, turning his attention back to one of the books. "In order to find something to look up, can you tell us what you remember of that night?" Zac asked, grabbing the notebook and a pen ready to write stuff down.

I told the boys everything I remembered; from the head aches to the rats following me around. "Also, I was in the nurses office and she send me to take a nap. And when I fell asleep, I wasn't dreaming.. I was having a flashback of last night." I told them, both of them quickly looking up at me. "Well what happened?" Matt asked, leaning forward. "We were walking in the dark cause my battery died and then I dropped my phone. When I stood up from picking it up, you guys weren't there. So I started walking alone and I ended up at a door, but the dog from before was standing there guarding it. Before I knew it, it was looking behind me and being all happy. And when I turned around, I saw a silhouette of someone or something and it grabbed my arm. And that's when everything turned black." I explained in a summary. Matt kept looking at me, listening closely to what I was saying while Zac wrote some stuff down.

"But that's not the only thing. When I woke up, I felt pain on the spot where it touched me. And when I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I saw this." I said, pulling off the sleeve of my hoodie to reveal the text. Both of them looked at it, Matt was examining it while Zac typed in something on the laptop.

"Check this out." Zac spoke turning the laptop so all three of is could see as I adjusted my hoodie again. "I typed in the words on Google, and I found a translation. It's all Latin. 'Malus' stands for bad, 'Urbs' stands for city, and 'Heros' stands for hero. All together it's Bad City Hero.." Zac explained, pointing at the screen. "What do you think it means?" Matt asked. "Maybe it means you are supposed to be a town's savior or something." Zac spoke, looking at me. "But what do they mean with city? Do they mean this town? Amarville?" I asked confused. "I think so yes." Zac explained, running a hand through his hair. "Also, the thing with the rats. We searched it up, and normally rats run away when they know trouble is near. But they ran towards you, not from you. Maybe that has to do with the town's savior thing as well." Zac explained.

This entire situation didn't help my headache go away. I rubbed the sides of my head and focused on the main subject again

"So what are the things you found?" I asked after a moment of silence. "Well we looked up any information on Amarville. We found the story everyone knows but that's it. I think the government didn't want people to know more than that. " Zac explained. "So there's not a lot of information on this town?" I asked the two of them. "Nope. And it's also not like it makes people from the big cities question it. Amarville isn't even known at all. It's too weird. Just like 'Amarus High', what kind of name is that?! It doesn't really sound like something American." Matt said, huffing at the end of his sentence.

Zac and I looked at each other, knowing we had the same idea. We grabbed the laptop and Zac typed in the translation for Amarus. "Amarus: Horrible, nasty, unpleasant.." Zac read out loud, looking at me. "What kind of name is that for a school, and for a town?" I asked him confused. "What language is it?" Matt asked, leaning forward once again. "It's also Latin.." Zac said, reading it off of the screen. "That can't be a coincidence, right? Do you think it has something to do with the house? With the tree?" Matt asked us. "I think so yeah. This town has a lot of unanswered questions and question marks behind events. But nothing's on the internet about it and nothing is in the books as well." I said frustratingly, knowing we were at a dead end.

"Then we're going to have to dig a little deeper in history. Too bad we can't go to the city hall and take a look at some of the documents there." I said, rubbing my hand over my arm but wincing when I still felt pain.

"I think I could help with that."

The three of us turned around to see where the voice came from and saw Dinah leaning against one of the book isles, smirking at us. I was about to open my mouth as to say something, but she quickly interrupted me.

"Meet me at the city hall entrance at 4. "
That was all she said, before walking away.

"Are we really going to trust her?" Matt asked me when she disappeared into the hallway.

"I'm afraid we have no choice.."

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