Chapter 17

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"GUYS! OVER HERE!" I called Matt and Zac over while the storm started getting heavier. Soon the two catched up with me and Zac opened it successfully. The three of us got inside quickly and closed the doors. "Dangit, forgot my phone in my locker." Zac whispered. "Mine's in your car." Matt said to Zac. I turned around and turned on the flashlight of my phone to look around. I looked ahead and saw something that looked like a sewer path.

"I think this will lead us to the basement of the house guys.." Zac said. I handed him my phone and he started walking ahead. I looked at Matt, who looked rather terrified, and smiled at him before following Zac. "I don't even know why I'm doing this anymore.." Matt whispered to himself, making Zac and I chuckle quietly.

"This is place is so big, this is like a maze!" Matt said after we had just turned another corner. We had been walking for quite a while now, but it wasn't even that big of a sewer we just weren't able to find the right way cause there were a lot dead ends and turns. When I saw the flashlight turning off, I turned to Zac who was still holding my phone. "Shit! Battery dead." He explained. "What do we do now guys?" Matt asked, panicking. "We keep walking, we can't just stay here. But we stick together. Let's go." I said to the two boys and we started walking while Zac handed me back my phone. Zac still walked ahead, then Matt, then me. Luckily it wasn't completely dark in there, but it was still hard to see.

"Shit.." I cursed when I dropped my phone. I bend down to pick it up and felt around and couldn't find it at first. When I found it I touched the screen and luckily there were no scratches. I slowly stood up again and was met with silence. "Matt? Zac?" I whisper yelled, but hearing no answer. "Great.. Just great.." I mumbled to myself and started walking on my own.

"Finally.." I said after a while of walking and seeing a door, but it wasn't the door we previously went through. I was stopped by the dog from before growling at me standing right in front of the door. "Hey there little buddy." I said carefully, lowering myself onto one knee. The dog growled harder, the more I came closer. But soon it looked behind me and stopped growling, instead it started barking happily and moving his tail. Confused, I slowly turned around and was met with the silhouette of someone or..something. It came closer and reached for my upper arm but just when it reached me, everything turned black.

"Holy shit!" I shouted, shooting up in the bed. Breathing fast, I looked around and saw that I was still in the nurses office. I was beyond creeped out by the nightmare I just had. I stood up from the bed and ran to the bathroom in the office, avoiding Nurse Jesse's confused eyes on me. I hovered over the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. Matt was right: I did look like shit. I felt pain in my upper right arm and removed my hoodie. I slowly pulled up my sleeve and saw some sort of text written there. I turned my arm to look at it through the mirror. "Malus Urbs Heros.." I read out loud with trouble, still confused.

 When I touched it, I hissed and almost screamed out in pain

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When I touched it, I hissed and almost screamed out in pain. "You okay in there, (Y/N)?" I heard Jesse ask me, knocking on the door. "I'm fine, just uhm stubbed my uhm toe." I said, still looking at the message on my arm. I needed to talk to Zac and Matt as soon as possible. I slowly put my shirt sleeve over it and grabbed my hoodie, walking out of the bathroom. "Can we uhm, do the tests quick? I have somewhere to be, it's important." I said impatient. Jesse looked at me confused but nodded anyway.

"Alright, so I'm just going to run some basic tests on you to see if there is anything unusual going on." The young nurse explained, while I nodded impatiently. Nurse Jesse grabbed a stethoscope and put in the ear pieces of it. She put the stethoscope against my chest while looking at her watch. Soon, a frown made it's way on her face. She quickly stopped and put the stethoscope down.

"Let's just move on to the next test." She said, shrugging off the thoughts going on in her head. She grabbed a digital thermometer and put it in my mouth. She waited for a moment and then took it out of my mouth. She examined it with her mouth slightly parted. "I'm going to write you a note to go to the doctor." She said, not giving any intel on any of the results. I watched her walk over to her desk. "But why? What's wrong?" I asked, walking towards her. She sighed and looked up at me.

"The body temperature of the average healthy human is 37 Degrees Celsius, aka 98.6 Degrees Fahrenheit..." The nurse explained. "So..?" I asked confused. "You got -12 Degrees Celsius, aka 10.4 Degrees Fahrenheit.." The nurse explained. My eyes widened and I looked away in shock. "Have you been feeling different lately?" She asked me carefully. I wanted to tell her what I felt and why, but I knew that I couldn't. Matt, Zac and I needed to find out what happened first before we would tell anyone. So I decided to not tell her.

"Yeah just since last night, I went for a quick jog but it started to rain heavily. When I got home I was sneezing a lot and went straight to bed." I lied, I was surprised at how fast I came up with it. Nurse Jesse studied me for a moment, then scribbled something down on a note.

"Let's just assume something's wrong with my equipment here, I'll just write you a doctors note." She said, ripping the paper off the stack and handing it to me. I quickly grabbed it but she held on to me. "If you need anything, just drop by okay?" She asked me, making me shift uncomfortable under her intense gaze. I nodded and she let go of the piece of paper. I waved goodbye and walked out the door to go meet up with Zac and Matt.

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