Chapter 6

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"So I think the younger generation should put their phone down and take a minute to appreciate theater." Mrs. Green told the students in front of her. Well, not really to them. It was more of a dramatic heart speaking moment. She was dramatically looking out the window, as if waiting for her husband to return from the war. But Mrs. Green seemed like the type of woman that had a husband that never felt like doing anything besides reading a news paper, or drinking black coffee that his wife made for him but he would complain about. So having a husband that lacks romance, she had to live in books and create a fictional one that was.

She took a deep breath and brought her attention back to her bored looking students that were so close to sleeping and were sitting so low in their seats that one minute longer of Mrs. Green's lecture, and they'd be on the floor.
"In front of you, on your desks, there is a copy of a printed out scene of Romeo&Juliet. I will put your names in a hat and you will grab one and have your partner. As a pair you will act the scenes out. " Mrs. Green explained and took the hat out and put the names in it. Soon the pairs were formed. "Mr. Robins, who's your partner?" Mrs. Green asked a boy seated in the middle of the class room. "Shane.." He told Mrs. Green. "Let me get back on that later Mr. Robins. " Mrs. Green said as the classroom door opened, revealing Ariana. "Miss Grande, nice of you to join us. Take a seat." Mrs. Green told the small brunette, who smiled apologetically as she took a seat in the empty seat behind me. I turned around to face her with a frown on my face, as Mrs. Green asked other students who their partners were.

"Don't do that, you'll get wrinkles on that cute face of yours." Ariana told me, poking my nose. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in the same grade as Matt and Chloe?" I asked her confused. "Just in a few classes, I'm a Junior just like you." She explained smiling at me, flicking her hair off her shoulder. I turned around and sunk down in my seat. "And who do we have here?" Mrs. Green asked me, standing in front of me all of a sudden. "I'm (Y/F/N), I'm new ma'am." I told her, barely making eye contact. "Well, since you're new and since Miss Grande decided to show up late meaning you both don't have partners; You two will be partners." Mrs. Green told us both, smiling proudly. I heard Ariana squeal as she hugged me from behind. "Are you two friends?" Mrs. Green asked surprised at the affection Ariana was showing towards me. "No, she knows my sister that's all.." I told the teacher while removing Ariana's arms from me. "Ouch, that hurt. I thought we had something here (Y/N/N)." Ariana said faking hurt I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Interesting chemistry going on here. Are you okay with the scene? It's the scene where the two lovers share their first kiss with one another. You don't have to kiss one another if you're not comfortable with it." Mrs. Green told the both of us. Before I could say anything, Ariana beat me to it. "Oh that's no problem, (Y/N/N) here already kissed me last night." Ariana said proudly, causing my eyes to widen and my head to shoot towards her direction and the class to look at us as well. "What?! No t-that's n-not what what..." I said stuttering, looking between the class, Mrs. Green and a smirking Ariana. Of course that's not exactly what happened, but I felt pressured.

"Don't act like it didn't happen, and as if it won't happen again babe." Ariana said into my ear, but loud enough for Mrs. Green to hear. I cleared my throat and grabbed the script from my table. "Let's uhm walk through the scene.." I said avoiding eye contact with anyone. "Good luck children." I heard Mrs. Green say as she walked away to other students. "Mrs. Green I'm still not happy about my partner. Offense but I'm not gonna do this with a guy." The same boy from before told Mrs. Green. "You want to be an actor right Mr. Robins?" Mrs. Green asked the boy, who nodded in response. "Well, actors are supposed to adept to every situation.."  Mrs. Green answered walking towards the front of the class. The boy understood what his teacher was talking about, as did the other students and I. " But the original love story is a girl and a guy. No offense but I'm not gay." The boy explained throwing his hands up in defense. Mrs. Green looked like she was thinking but didn't say anything. "But every love story is original.. No matter the gender. The beauty of this one is that they didn't know from one another who they were, and neither of them of cared when they did find out. Just try to see it from a different perspective." I said, suddenly speaking up. Everybody was looking at me, thinking about what I just said. "Yeah..okay." The boy said, accepting my description. He immediately started talking about the scene with his partner; Shane. The rest of the class back to their original tasks. Mrs. Green send me a thanking and approving smile, while I just send her a awkward one back before turning my attention back to the script and a dreamy looking Ariana.

"That was so amazing." Ariana said running her fingers down my arm slowly. I got goosebumps and removed my arm. "Thanks I guess, but that's just how I feel. Love has no gender.." I said awkwardly, I cleared my throat and stared down at the script again. "Okay so we have Act 1, Scene 5. So let's just read through the script shall we?" I said, awkwardly flicking through the pages of the script. "So, I will be Romeo and you will be Juliet I guess. So I guess we'll be Romy& Juliet." I rambled while I heard Ariana dreamily sigh.

What did I get myself into?

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