Chapter 36

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We had been driving for 5 minutes now, without her saying a word to me.

"Should I irrupt into a loud singalong to a 90's boyband song again to get you talking, or could you just tell me now what's wrong?" I spoke up, glancing at her every now and then.

Her eyes met mine and when I gave her a smile, she breathed out heavily.

"What's wrong?" I asked more serious now, as she ran a frustrated hand through her hair.

"You're probably gonna think it's stupid." She mumbled, insecure.

"Oh please, I hang out with Matt and Zac 24/7. So nothing that leaves that mouth, could ever make me think 'wow that's stupid'." I told her with a smirk, gaining a little giggle from her.

"Well, I guess.." She began nervously, letting out a deep breath.

"I guess I was jealous of that waitress.." She spoke, biting her lip.

"Of Jill? Why?" I asked confused.

"Because you guys were smiling at each other and she touched your arm and stuff, I thought you might like her.." She spoke, almost embarrassed.

"Well she's not the girl I just took out for dinner, and that's sitting in the car right now to go to the movies with me.. Because that girl, is you." I told her with a smile, as we came to a stop in front of a red light.

"Besides, she's Zac's sister. I'd be dating one of my closest friend's sisters." I told her, leaning forward in my seat to see the light was still red.

"What's so wrong with that?" She asked me, hinting on what our situation was.

I felt her hand touch mine, causing my attention to shift to her. The two of us held eye contact, before I saw the red traffic light that shone on the right side of her face turn green. I broke our eye contact and brought my attention back to the road.

We arrived at the movies in silence, and I parked it not too far from the entrance.

I stepped forward in the line, and was about to speak up when I was met with a familiar face.

"Hey, Malcolm..right?" I asked the guy behind the counter, as if I didn't already know who he was.

"Yes, and you a-wait.." Malcolm began, wanting to ask me who I was but then recognizing my face.

"You're Matt's sister." He spoke through squinted eyes, making it obvious he disliked my brother.

But after seeing my brother react to Malcolm the way he did in the library that one time, I knew the feeling was mutual.

"Uhh, yes.. Can we get a large popcorn to share, a large Sprite and a large Diet Coke? Thanks Malcolm." I spoke with a forced smile, not trying to make this anymore awkward than it already was.

He glared at me, then sighed, and turned around to get the items we just had ordered. While he was getting the popcorn, I could feel Ariana staring at me as I leaned on the counter. But every time I looked, she'd pretend she was looking at something behind me.

Luckily, Malcolm was done soon and handed us our items after I had paid. He turned to Ariana with a forced smile.

"Enjoy your movie." He spoke, fake happy then turning around not even saying a word to me. I scoffed at his rude behavior, and Ariana and I walked away.

I guess Matt and Zac were right about Malcolm all along.

The two of us arrived at the door, and I held the door open for her. She gave me a quick shy smile before walking inside, leaving me to follow after her.

Aside from us, there seemed to only be a few other people, so we were able to pick two comfortable seats in the middle.

When we were about to sit down, I helped her get out of her jacket, receiving yet another shy smile before we both sat down.

All that was heard was inaudible mumbling from the other people in the room, and the elevator type of music while we waited for the movie to start.

"So..." I spoke up awkwardly, tapping my fingers on my knees not knowing what to do.

"So..." She spoke, equally as awkward as the two of us avoided eye contact.

I heard her sigh before turning to me abruptly, causing me to look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I really didn't want to make you uncomfortable." She spoke quickly, her apologetic puppy dog eyes looking into mine.

"You didn't. Relax. You just...startled me, that's all. You can be pretty bold about your..liking towards me sometimes, so when you actually say something from the heart it just stuns me." I told her honestly yet carefully.

She smiled at me and let out a deep sigh, as I gave her a warm small back.

"I like you so much, (Y/N)." She spoke all of a sudden, causing my eyes to widen at the boldness of it all.

"Oh look, the movie's starting!" I said, turning my attention to the screen as soon as the lights went off.

I started munching on some popcorn, as I felt her staring at me again.


So here's a new chapter guys,
I hope you liked it.

I'm sorry I've been absent lately and have basically been neglecting my writing but I do have my reasons, I promise! Haha.

I had some pretty intense stuff happen to me lately which I couldn't just put aside.

I will try to update more, so pleaaaase be patient with me haha.

Thank you for reading!

Love you guys,

Scoptophobia. (Fifth Harmony/You)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora