Chapter 19

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After Dinah left, the boys and I gathered all our stuff to go to leave. Soon enough the bell rang and we went our separate ways to our classes. I walked towards my locker to grab my books real quick and to look at my schedule. I grabbed it and scanned it for my next class. Last week when I was supposed to have class during this period, it was canceled cause the teacher still needed to order some material we'd be needing.

Fourth period: Shop Class in A102

I closed my locker and walked to the assigned class room. I entered the class room with my head hanging low, quickly taking a seat at one of the big tables in the back. Anxiously tapping my leg, I waited for the teacher to start the lesson. The sooner class started the sooner it ended.

"Is this seat taken?" I heard a male voice ask from my right, I looked up and saw that it was Jake. I shook my head and gestured for him to take a seat. He gave me a small smile and sat down, taking his backpack off with some trouble due to his cast and put it down next to him. "How long till they take it off?" I asked him, referring to the cast on his arm. "Two weeks. I've had it for 6 weeks, cause it was broken in 4 places. But I guess it's what you could expect when you try to skate from a halfpipe then jump into a pool filled with balloons." He explained making me chuckle a bit. "Wow. All that and you still play Dodgeball like a pro? Respect." I spoke, earning a quick laugh from him. "If you thought my dodgeball skills were good, you should see me skateboard." He joked making me shake my head in amusement.

"Alright welcome class, my name is Mr. Davis. This year you will be working on building a good looking, well functioning clock. " The teacher spoke up, earning groans from the class who knew this wasn't an easy task. "Come one kids, suck it up. You'll be working in pairs, assigned by yours truly. As soon as I call out your name you will go to take a seat next to your assigned partner. " Mr Davis spoke. "Tori go sit with with Freddy. Mitchell go sit with Shannon." Mr Davis spoke flicking through the pages in his hands. Mean while all the students being named sat down next to their partners. "Jake go sit with Gregory." Mr Davis announced. Jake packed his stuff and gave me an apologetic smile. "Good luck dude." Jake said, patting my arm in a friendly matter but making me wince in pain because of the mark.

"Wow sorry, you okay?" Jake asked, after seeing my reaction. I gritted my teeth to stop myself from screaming out in pain. Not being able to make up a lie and speak it, I just nodded. Still looking apologetic, he walked away towards his seat at the front of the class.

I started to sweat. I was feeling cold one second. The other I was feeling hot. It was this morning all over again. And at the nurses office.

I brought my hand to touch my the unfamiliar mark under my sleeve. I almost screamed out in pain once more, not only because of the touch there but also because my finger felt like it had been burned. The mark felt like it was on fire. I put my finger in my mouth to try and ease the pain from the burning. I was beyond freaked out..again.

"Hey (Y/N), are you okay?" I heard a feminine voice ask from next to me. I looked up with my finger still in my mouth and nodded at Lauren. She sat down and slowly put her stuff into place. "W-what are you doing?" I asked, taking my finger out of my mouth as she turned to face me. "We're in the same class. And we're assigned partners." She answered. I simply nodded. "Give me your hands." She said, seriousness in her voice. I decided not to protest and gave her my hands. I looked at her with panicky eyes, and she noticed when she looked into my eyes. She held my hands and maintained eye contact with me.

"Y/N..breath.." She instructed calmly.

I did as she said an inhaled and exhaled slowly. After a few seconds I was completely calm and back to normal. When she noticed, she gave me a warm smile and let go of my hands. "How are you feeling now?" She asked me. "Better, thank you. How did you know what to do?" I asked curiously. "My sister gets panic attacks a lot, and you looked like you were close to having one or having one already. " She explained. I nodded and smiled at her.

"Let's work on the project shall we?"

The remainder of the time we had, we discussed the things we needed to get to make the clock work. We made a list and an agreement on going shopping for the items this weekend.


"So, do you get these panic attacks a lot?" Lauren asked as the both of us strolled the hallways. "Not really, it's something that's been having recently though." I told her honestly, as we rounded the corner and my locker came into view.

"What do you think caused it? Maybe something that happened? Sometimes people get panic attacks from moments that traumatized them." Lauren spoke as we reached my locker and I opened it. "Not that I recall." I told her, obviously lying.

I didn't want to lie, but I had no choice. I just couldn't let her know what's going on. Hell, even I didn't even know what's going on.

She hummed in response and leaned against the row of lockers next to mine, while I grabbed some stuff out of my backpack and put it in my locker. I came across the note the nurse gave me, and studied it.

"What's that?" Lauren asked me, looking at the note as well. "I wasn't feeling well this morning so went to the nurses office. She did some tests on me but the equipment wasn't function. She wrote me a letter for the doctor, but I don't know if I should go I feel fine now." I told her, partly lying. I didn't want to creep more people out by the weird results of my health.

"You can never be too sure. You should go, I'll go with you right now." Lauren said as I closed my locker.

A few moments later we were in the car on our way to the hospital. Hopefully this will turn out better than before.

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