Chapter 21

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"She said she'd meet us here.. Where is she?" Matt asked impatient, while looking around for Dinah. We were currently at the back entrance of the City Hall building waiting for Dinah to arrive.

"There she is." Zac said after a long moment of silence. Dinah waved at us while parking her car next to Zac's and got out, and to my confusion along with Normani and Ally.

"What are they doing here?" Matt asked as confused as I was.

"Normani's my partner in crime and Ally is helpful for distractions." Dinah explained.

"And what are they doing here?" Dinah asked pointing at Lauren and Camila, who were sitting on the hood of Zac's car.

"Lauren..helps me stay calm. " I explained, earning a warm smile from the girl herself.

"And I just wanted to hang out with you guys." Camila spoke for herself with a big smile on her face. I took a step forward towards Dinah so no one could hear what I was going to say next.

"They don't know why we're here though, for all they know we need this for the school's paper to check the security system of the City Hall." I explained, making Dinah nod in an understanding way.

"Wait, do you know why what we're doing here?" I asked curiously, squinting my eyes a little.

"Not really, you just seemed really desperate and I wanted to help." She explained, making me squint my eyes at her even more.

"Besides..if I do something for you, you'll have to do something for me as well." Dinah finished with a smirk on her face.

"And what's that?" I asked frowning, only making her smirk grow.

"You'll hear from me. But let's get this started." Dinah said, walking towards the group. Everyone looked at her as she stood in the center of our group.

"Alright. So the plan is: Ally, Camila and I go in to the building through the front entrance. Ally distracts the lady at the front desk, and Camila the security guards in front of the mayor's office.  I'm going to walk in and work my magic with the mayor." Dinah explained to all of us, with a smugly smile on her face.

"Then I will make sure to open the window and drop the keys of the back entrance out of it. (Y/N), Lauren, Normani, Matt and Zac will use the keys to open the door and get in. Normani will be staying outside of the main office where all the files are to keep watch, while (Y/N), Matt, Lauren and Zac will go inside to find the files that Huey, Dewey and Louie over here need." Dinah said, referring to Matt, Zac and I. The three of us exchanged looks and shrugged at the same time.

"We have 10 minutes. So keep watch of time okay." Dinah finished, making all of us nod.

"Do we need to bring anything to pull this off?" Matt asked curious. As if realizing something at my brother's statement, Dinah walked to the back of her car and opened the trunk. All of us walked towards it as well to see what she had brought with her as her much needed 'equipment'.

"A brick? Seriously? " Normani asked, while all of us looked from Dinah to the single piece of equipment needed for this challenge. Dinah nodded and took it out of the trunk. We all backed away as she closed the trunk and locked her car.

"Why do we need that?" Ally asked this time.

"Enough with the questions guys, I know what I'm doing okay. So let's get started.

"Who knew Dinah was going to smash a freaking window with that brick?!" Matt whisper yelled as the waitress put down all of our drinks on to the table.

"Yeah well, luckily the major is her uncle." Zac said taking a sip of his Coke afterwards, reminding us of the information the tall blond shared with us right after we ran out of the building. Luckily we didn't get caught though.

"Yeah but it's still vandalism." Matt argued, taking a sip of his much needed coffee.

"Don't start about vandalism Matt. Or do I need to remind you abo"-"Okay I get it, do not mention that here." Matt interrupted Zac's answer to him, as if Zac would be so stupid to even say anything about our adventures.

"Okay well, let's see what we want to eat guys." Ally said, as all of us grabbed the menus in front of us.

But I wasn't hungry though. And trust me that's rare for me. It was just all the things the boys and I have done already and have been through, plus now also having brought the girls into this. I mean I was thankful of course for their help, but I have confidential files in my backpack right under the table. That isn't really soothing.

I still needed to tell the boys about my nurses' office and hospital visits. Maybe it can mean something, I don't know. But what do I know up till this point, right?

"Hey Dinah, can you order the burger with fries for me? I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I announced, Camila standing up out of the booth cause she was on the outside next to me.

"Sure, thing." Dinah spoke, sending me a smile.

"You okay?" Lauren whispered from next to me, as I stood up out of the booth. I hummed in response and send her a small smile. By the look on her face I could see that she wasn't convinced.

"Hey guys!" Chloe spoke up out of nowhere, standing next to me with Taylor by her side. A couple of 'hey's were heard from the table, towards the two girls.

"What are you all doing here?" Chloe asked, her eyes scanning around. All of us exchanged panicky looks and didn't know what to say.

"We all have a big group project for History class coming up, so we thought: why not meet up together here." Normani spoke up, saving all of us.

"Yeah, and Matt and I were bored and hungry so we decided to tag along." Zac made up an excuse for himself and my brother since they were a grade lower than the rest of us.

"Oh okay, cool. We were hungry too, and Taylor said they have great food here so yeah.." Chloe spoke excitedly, hip bumping the tall blond next to her at the mention of her name.

"Well I'm gonna go to the bathroom, like I actually was about to do before this encounter. Why don't you guys grab two chairs and join us?" I proposed, not waiting for an answer but already walking towards the bathroom.

Scoptophobia. (Fifth Harmony/You)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu