Chapter 41

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The bell rang and everyone quickly scattered their belongings and exited the class room in a hurry.

"Don't forget to study for your pop-quiz next Tuesday!" Mr Müller called after the students walking out of the classroom.

I collected my stuff with one hand, since the marking on my arm hurt today. I was troubling to put my book inside my bag, and dropped my text book. Cursing under my breath, I leaned down and saw too feet stumbling closer to me. I looked up and was met with Mr Müller looking at me with a kind smile.

"You seem out of it today, Miss (Y/L/N). Is something bother you?" Mr Müller asked me, a concerned frown on his face.

"It's nothing, sir. I'm just a bit under the weather, that's all." I said brushing it off as I stood up with my book in hand.

I gave me another smile and ran a hand over his thin layer of hair. Limping back to his desk, leaning his crutch against the wooden table. He leaned back against the desk as well, crossing his arms.

"Look, I want you to know that if you need my help with anything, I'm here to listen and maybe offer you advice as well. Even though I'm aware of the fact that I have past the age group even remotely close to your own age. Maybe I could still be of help." Mr Müller spoke with his signature thick german accent, making me chuckle at his age comparison remark.

"Yes, I'll keep it in mind. Thank you, sir." I said as offering him a thankful smile, before grabbing my belongings and also exiting the classroom.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a little nervous about it." I explained, shooting another ball into the basket perfectly.

"Yeah, well you're going to have to talk to them about it eventually. They're patiently waiting." Zac advised, taking another bite from his apple.

"Well, the four of them are. Dinah's impatiently waiting. It's Dinah after all." Matt joked, chuckling at his own joke.

"Plus; you can't keep hiding in here every period. They've been asking us about you too." Zac spoke truthfully, giving me a meaningful look.

"True! Last period, Dinah basically slammed me against the lockers to get the answer out of me!" Matt spoke with big eyes, over dramatically throwing his hands in the air.

"Not exactly what happened, but yeah she was very keen on finding out if we knew anything at all." Zac chuckled, nudging his friend playfully.

"You have to talk to them sooner or later, dude." Matt said, while all three of our phone's went off.

Matt leaned back on the bleachers as I shot the ball into the basket again, and Zac checked his phone. I looked at him as his eyes grew wide, and he looked up at both of us.

"Well, we're going to have to put the private stuff aside. Ally might have found something about the house." Zac spoke as he gave us both a glance once again, and I bit the inside of my cheek in thought.

Zac and Matt were right; whatever was playing between the girls and I, had to be put on hold for now.

"Tell the girls to meet us in the parking lot in 5." I told Zac as I dropped the basketball on the floor and the bell rang in the background.

Zac nodded and the three of us grabbed our stuff, walking out the gymnasium. Zac typed away on his phone, as the three of us roamed the now almost empty hallways.

"Skipping class again, (Y/L/N)?" We heard a male voice speaking up from behind is, when we were a few steps from the school entrance.

Matt let out a sigh and opened the door for us.

"Go fuck yourself, Malcolm." Matt spoke with an eye roll, while Zac and I tried to hold in our laughter as we exited the building.

When we arrived outside the parking lot, we noticed we were the first ones. I sat down on the hood of Zac's car and folded my arms over my chest. Moments after, the doors of the schools entrance opened, revealing all of the girls.

Matt and Zac exchanged hello's with them, while all the girls' eyes stayed on me. When I looked up, they still didn't say anything, but just merely stared.

"Hey." I spoke softly, uncomfortably clearing my throat.

"Ally?" Zac asked, calling for her attention.

"Right! Well, I was skimming through the pictures we took of the files and found a blueprint.." Ally explained, looking at all of us with a serious expression.

"Of the hospital?" Normani asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"No, even better.." Ally breathed out, a small smile on her face.

"It's a blueprint of the Amarville house, including the basement." She spoke again, as all of our eyes widened and we looked at one another in shock.

"So, what does this mean?" Lauren asked Ally, while the rest of us looked at Ally in anticipation.

"Well, these actually were from when it was first build back in the day." Ally started to explain, but Zac seemed to caught on to what she was saying.

"And since it hasn't been lived in for such a long time, it probably hasn't changed as much. So the blue print still is right, possibly." Zac added, causing Ally to nod and smile because he understood her.

"So now what?" Camila asked, looking at all of us confused.

I shared a look with Zac and Matt, and they both nodded at me. I pushed myself off the hood of the car and stood in front of all of them.

"I say we go for another adventure, this time; we all go into the house." I spoke with a smirk, which cause Dinah to jump in excitement.

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