Chapter 5

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"Get up kids! It's time to go to school!" My mother's voice echoed through the house. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I slowly got out of bed and opened my curtains. Today seemed like a nice day; the birds were singing and it was sunny outside. My eyes traveled to the window across from mine. I quickly looked away and started grabbing my stuff to get ready, trying to avoid my thoughts from going to what might have happened last night. I hope I was seeing things and it was just because Camila creeped me out a bit, otherwise I might have to talk to my parents about moving. I chuckled at my own overreactive thoughts and went to my bathroom.

"Morning everyone!" I told my family, walking into the kitchen. Per usual I only heard my parents say good morning, Matt and Chloe too busy doing their own things and Maggie having food in her mouth. "How did you sleep, sweetie?" My mother asked me with a smile on her face. "I slept okay I guess, just kept waking up. Tossing and turning till I fell back asleep." I told my mother honestly. I watched her grab a napkin and wipe Maggie's mouth. "Oh really? How come? Had a nightmare or something?" She asked me, starting to feed Maggie again. I bit the inside of my cheek and looked around at the table. Everyone seemed to have settled in already. Why would I ruin that by creeping them out, right?

"No, it was just one of those nights you know.." I lied, not wanting to tell her that I kept waking up cause I was just creeped out about The Amarville Creek and kept having nightmares about it every time I'd fall back asleep. "Hmm, okay.." I heard the hesitation in her voice, meaning she didn't fully believe me. "You know that if there is something, that you can talk to me right?" My mother said feeding Maggie another spoon of mashed fruit. "I know, thank you." I kissed her cheek and grabbed some cereal.

"See you later!" I said, closing the front door. I waved at Maggie, Matt and Chloe as they drove off to Maggie's babysitter. I decided to just walk to school, since the weather was nice today. I made my way down the porch step and made my way to school. "Hey (Y/N)!" "Hey Camila." The brunette made her way down her own porch step and started walking towards me. "How's it going?" She asked me with a smile on her face while giving me a quick hug. "Pretty good, just tired that's all. What about you?" I asked her as we started walking. "I'm great." She said still smiling. After a few conversations here and there, we arrived at the school.

"So what class do you have now?" Camila asked me when we stopped in front of my locker. I opened my locker and looked at the schedule I hung up in there. "P.E. and after that I have Theater." I told her, grabbing my sports-clothes bag out of my locker and shutting it after. "I have P.E. first period too! It's in A001 let's go!" Camila said, happily skipping to the gymnasium.

"OKAY PEOPLE, BRING IT IN!" Coach Johnson yelled clapping his hands. Everyone gathered around him and sat down in front of him. I noticed Lauren and waved at her, sitting next to her with Camila on my other side all of us facing Coach Johnson. "Dodgeball. Two teams. Dinah Jane Hansen and Lauren Jauregui, you're team captains. Pick your teams." Coach Johnson said, making everyone stand up. Both team captains stood next to one another, facing the other students ready to pick. I learned that Dinah Jane Hansen, was the Hansen from the frog incident.

"And lastly I pick...." Lauren tapped her index finger against her chin, looking at the two remaining unpicked girls. I stood next to Lauren and looked at the two girls. "Come on Lauren, just pick okay. Look at Camila's face, I heard she always gets picked last at Dodgeball, yet she still wears a hopeful smile on her face. " I whispered into Lauren's ear. She sighed and clapped her hands. "Cabello, get over here.." Lauren said pointing at the brunette. Camila jumped up, with a happy yet surprised expression on her face. She skipped over to Lauren and thanked her like ten times, and stood next to me. I smiled at her happiness and smiled at Lauren as well, silently thanking her for making my new friend so happy.

"CABELLO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! IT'S CALLED 'DODGE-BALL'! NOT 'HIDE-BEHIND-PEOPLE-IN-A-CORNER-BALL'!" Coach Johnson said, throwing his hands up in the air out of frustration. I chuckled while dodging a few throws from the other team. Lauren's team, which I was on, still had 6 players left, including herself, Camila and I. But Dinah's team still had 8 players left, including herself as well. Till now I had been dodging and catching balls that would come near Camila, just to keep her in the game longer. I catched another ball while Lauren hit another player as well, making Dinah's number of players 6. Dinah was a great player and threw two dodgeballs at the same time, both of them hitting two of my teammates sending them to the bench. There were only 4 players left now on our team.

We had been at the same game statistics for about 10 minutes now and it didn't seem like there would be any changes soon. "Hey (Y/N), right?" I heard one of my other team mates say from beside me. "Hey, yeah. Jake right?" I asked him, as both of us dodged a ball at the same time. "Yeah. Listen, I know you're trying to protect Camila and keep her in the game. But let me keep a watch on her, while you can go into an attack with Lauren. I would too but I still have my arm in my cast. " Jake told me, I quickly looked down and was met with a red colored cast from his fingers till his elbow. "Still playing with a broke polls? Wow someone's a dodgeball lover.." I said, picking a ball up and throwing it to Lauren. Jake laughed and ran a hand through his short blonde locks. "Nah, just don't like sitting still. Just go ahead and we'll see how it works out." He told me picking up a ball and handing it to me. I nodded and walked forward.

"Hey (Y/L/N), wait up!" I stopped walking and turned around to be met with Dinah. "Oh hey Dinah, what's up?" When she fully had catched up to me, after having pushed aside some freshmen that were in her way, I started walking to my locker. "So uhm, that was something bag there. You crushed my team! " Dinah said with an exciting smile on her face. "Thank you but don't you think you're exaggerating a little?" I asked her as we neared my locker. "No! You really looked like you knew what you were doing back there. Do you do any sports?" She asked me. I filled in my combination code and opened my locker. " I used to play soccer and basketball, but that was about a year ago." I told her, putting my gym bag in my locker and shutting it. "Well maybe you should try out for the girl's basketball team?" She suggested, leaning against the lockers. "Nah, I'm trying to stay out of the spotlights. I had enough of that at my old school." I told her honestly as the ball rang and the hallways started to clear. "Well too bad, but I'll hope to see more of you again." She said smiling at me. I didn't know what to do so I just smiled at nodded before walking to Theater Class.

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