Chapter 14

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"Yeah but it's a comple"-"How can you guys sit there so calmly after last night?!" Matt said, interrupting Zac's story. Zac and I looked at one another shrugging, while Matt threw his tray onto the table. I grabbed my sandwich and stayed silent while eating, just observing the two. Matt sat down across from us at the lunch table and tapped his leg up and down nervously. "Calm down dude." Zac said, smirking at his friend's discomfort. "HOW CAN I?! AND HOW CAN YOU?!" Matt whisper yelled, looking from Zac to me. "Oh but we're not calm on the inside trust me. But flipping out and screaming like a little girl won't help anything." Zac explained to his friend. Matt squinted his eyes at the boy, not being able to press away the feeling that his friend was gesturing the last sentence towards him. "I wasn't screaming like a little girl.." Matt mumbled to himself, making Zac and I chuckle.

"So what do we do now?" Matt asked, after finally having calmed down. Taking the last bite of my sandwich, I looked at Zac. "Well, I don't know about you guys but I want to know what that dog was guarding." Zac whispered, smirking at the both of us. "Same." I said, high-fiving Zac. Matt looked hesitant but sighed. "Ugh yeah same.." Matt said sounding defeated, but high-fiving Zac and I anyway. "So when are we going back?" I asked the both of them. "Wow wow wow who said anything about going back? Are you guys crazy? We barely made it out!" Matt whisper yelled, throwing his arms up in the air. "It was just a dog Matt, and it was held back by a chain at the tree." Zac said, chuckling at his friend's fear. "Well maybe it was there for a reason.. Look; whatever it is guarding.. Are we really gonna maybe risk our lives just to find out?" Matt asked. "I'm down.. Screw High School man." Zac said, joking but slightly telling the truth. I chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"Why don't we go back to the house right now?" I asked, as both of them thought about it. "Yeah, I mean; no one is around and (Y/N) has a free period right? Let's roll." Zac said. Matt looked hesitant at first but soon gave in. We collected our belongings and stood up from the table making our way to the cafeteria exit.

"Well you sure look like you're in a rush. Where are you guys going?" Chloe said, appearing in the doorway along with the rest of the cheer squad. And of course; including Ariana who was smiling at me. "We just have somewhere to be.." I said nervously, as the two boys next to me shifted uncomfortably. After a few seconds of silence the bell rang, and the cafeteria started to fill with students. "Gotta go bye." Matt said, quickly brushing past the group. Zac and I said our quick goodbyes too and followed Matt into the hallways.

We grabbed our coats out of our lockers and made our way to the front entrance, trying not to make it too obvious we were leaving school ground. When we opened the doors, I heard thunder starting and saw dark clouds forming in the sky. We got into Zac's car and drove off to the house.

When we arrived, we climbed over the fence and carefully made our way to the house. As soon as we reached the backdoor, rain started to fall from the sky like a waterfall. While Zac tried opening the door, I walked towards the Creek, to find that the dog was no longer there. I frowned and walked towards where it used to be to find a cellar hatch that was connected to the house.

"GUYS! OVER HERE!" I called Matt and Zac over while the storm started getting heavier. Soon the two catched up with me and Zac opened it successfully. The three of us got inside quickly and closed the doors. "Dangit, forgot my phone in my locker." Zac whispered. "Mine's in your car." Matt said to Zac. I turned around and turned on the flashlight of my phone to look around. I looked ahead and saw something that looked like a sewer path.

"I think this will lead us to the basement of the house guys.." Zac said. I handed him my phone and he started walking ahead. I looked at Matt, who looked rather terrified, and smiled at him before following Zac. "I don't even know why I'm doing this anymore.." Matt whispered to himself, making Zac and I chuckle quietly.

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