Chapter 7

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"C, you really gotta keep that friend of yours on a leash. Ariana makes me so uncomfortable." I told my sister, putting bag on the table in front of us. We were in the cafeteria, both of us had a free period. So did Matt but he was in the music room with Zac.

"How so?" Chloe asked me, taking a bottle of water and a bag of potato chips out of her bag and placing them on the table. "She keeps flirting with me!" I told her, dramatically throwing my arms up. "So? What's so wrong about that?" She asked me opening her bag of chips. "She makes me uncomfortable. She flirts with me in like the most rude ways sometimes. You know me Chlo, I'm not into stuff like that." I told her. She grabbed her water bottle and took a sip. "Like what? I'm sure it's just her way of showing you she likes you (Y/N/N)." She told me, putting some chips into her mouth. "She basically told the class we kissed, which isn't like they think it is. Cause you know that it was only a kiss on the cheek and it was forced. But she kept bragging about it and she kept staring at me. I had to do a kissing scene with her but we had the choice to kiss or not. I stalled so much, on purpose, so luckily we didn't get to the kissing scene. And if we did make it to that part, I'm sure she would've spun me around and shoved her tongue down my throat in no time." I rambled in one go, I took a deep breath when I finished and looked at a grossed out looking Chloe. "Okay first of all; eww, you're my sister so stop. Second; relax. 'Oh no, the head cheerleader and most popular girl from school likes me. What a tragedy!' Just shut up (Y/N/N)! She might like you, plus I'm sure she's just teasing you and loves that you're fighting against her. " Chloe told me pushing my chest a little, making me rub the spot afterwards. I considered what she said and groaned.

"Why are you always right? Well..most of the time?" I asked her. "Excuse me? 'Most of the time.' I'm always right, okay? " she told me, flicking her hear to the side. I scoffed and bent over to her. "Always right? Tell that to your last math and history grades. Cause last time I heard; you got a C- for both of those." I told her, smirking challenging at her. She pouted and pushed me away. "You're mean!" She told me crossing her arms over her chest. "Just doing my duty as a sibling." I told her, saluting her as she giggled. "You said 'duty'." She told me, giggling further. I sighed and looked at her seriously. " I hate you." I told her. I wasn't laughing but she knew I was kidding. "No, you don't. You're happy with me as your little sister and you know it!" She told me laying her head on my shoulder. "True.." I told her, without protesting.

"Hey Chloe! Am I interrupting something? I can come back later?" A girl spoke, standing in front of us awkwardly. "Not at all, I was just leaving so go ahead and sit down." I spoke standing up. "(Y/N/N) this is Taylor, we have Chemistry together and she's a cheerleader too. Taylor this is (Y/N), my big sis." Chloe introduced us to one another. I shook hands with the girl and turned to Chloe as Taylor took a seat across from her. "I'm gonna go. I wanna see what the library here has to offer." I told her, swinging my backpack over my shoulder. "Nerd! Jk, love you. Okay." My sister said quickly. "You're weird, C. Anyways it was nice meeting you Taylor. " I said with a smile. "Likewise." Taylor said with a genuine smile. I waved at them and walked off, exploring the hallways.

When I arrived in the library, I walked up to the lady behind the main desk. "Good morning ma'am." I whispered to the older lady. "Good morning my child, what can I do you for?" She asked with a sweet smile on her face. "I'm nee here and I would like to know if I need any type of card or something like that to use the library or to use the books here." I told her, still whispering cause some students were working. "No need for that, my dear. But when you want to take books with you, out of the library, you have to come up to me and I'll put them into the computer." She told me still smiling. "Thank you very much, have a nice day." I told her with a smile. "You too, dear." She told me going back to the computer.

I walked around in the library isles looking for nothing in particular. This library is amazing! I walked along some books and quickly read through the titles. Coming across many I recognized and knew were amazing, my eyes flying to one book in particular: The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Brilliant book, yet very under appreciated. I grabbed the book from the shell and looked around. I tried finding a seat I can just sit at but I decided to sit on the floor. I've read the book before, many times actually. I leaned my head against another bookshelf behind me.

"Pease full isn't it?" I heard some one say all of a sudden. I looked around but saw no one. "Over here, on the other side of the bookshelf you're leaning against." The girl's voice spoke. "Oh, right. I thought I was hearing things." I chuckled and put the book down on my lap as the girl giggled. "Since social media became popular people forgot about reading art. There usually aren't a lot of students here. So I know who actually do come here. But you I haven't heard. What made you decide to put your phone down?" She asked me. "Actually, I always read. I really like it and I really wanna become a writer. You probably haven't heard of me yet cause I'm new. " I explained.

"So you're (Y/F/N)?" The girl asked, I heard her stand up. "Yes, how do you know me?" I asked. "You're the new kid, you're in my in my music class along with Camila." I heard her voice say. "Oh, right. You were the one talking to Camila. " I told her as she walked around the isle. I looked up in front of me and saw her standing there.

"I'm Ally."

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