Chapter 31

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"Okay, Matt and Lauren are causing a distraction. Ariana and I are on our own now, but we did make it to the office though." I spoke, as soon as the group Skype call on my phone went through.

I was met with Ally, Dinah and Normani, sitting in the car that was parked right outside of the hospital. Ally was holding the phone, while Normani was looking through goggles. Dinah was sat in the middle of the back row, chewing her gum.

"Okay, I'll go stand by the entrance to guard further." Dinah said all of a sudden, getting out of the car.

"Ally, go with her please. I bet she's not just going to guard, that girl wants adventure no matter the cost." Zack requested, chuckling after.

Ally nodded and exited the vehicle.

"Okay, so did you guys find anything else?" I asked Zack and Camila.

"I was thinking; maybe we can look into the town's history a bit more. I want to know what happened with the brothers." Zack explained, whilst flicking through some papers that were still laying around in Normani's shed.

"Okay, you guys go do that. Normani, keep watch and keep in touch...That rhymes." I said, receiving giggles from Normani, Camila and Ariana.

Normani, Camila and Zack nodded and ended the group call. I put my phone away, and grabbed my flashlight as well.

I looked back at Ariana, whom was looking through the blinds of the now closed door, into the hallway. I walked towards the desk and sat in front of the computer, starting it up.

"Aren't you curious as to why we're doing all of this?" I asked Ariana after she hadn't said anything.

"Yes, of course I want to know. Not only because I'm curious, but also because it seems important. It also has something to do with you, so that makes it extra important. But you don't want to tell me, so.." Ariana said, sounding kind of upset at the last sentence.

"That's not it, I promise. It's just that.." I immediately reassured her, dismissing the idea that I'm intentionally keeping this from her without a reason.

I sighed and looked up from the computer, to find Ariana already looking at me. I ran a hand through my hair.

"Something happened, and it's pretty serious. I already have enough people involved, and I don't want to endanger more. We're trying to get some clarity, but some stuff we can't do on our own. When all this is over, I'll explain everything." I spoke, as she looked at me intensely in silence.

"You might think I'm crazy when I do tell you, but I'll be telling the truth. But for now, I hope you'll understand that it's better that I don't tell you. Please trust me." I almost begged the cheerleader, whom was still looking at me from across the room.

Before either of us could say anything else, a sound was heard from the computer. I looked at it, and saw that it was turned on. I clicked on the icon and saw that I was supposed to fill in a password.

I groaned and opened one of the drawers of the doctor's desk, rumbling through the papers. I heard Ariana coming closer, and before I knew it she was leaning over. The short brunette started typing, with one click we were in. I looked up at her and saw her looking back at me, intensely.

"You have your secrets, I have mine.." She spoke seriously, before walking back to door to guard. I shrugged it off, and brought my attention back to the computer.

"Okay, through here." Ariana said, pointing to the right.

"We really have to hurry up now." Matt panted.

"You think?! Just shut up and follow me." Ariana whisper yelled at my brother.

"There's the car!" Lauren said, pointing at the only minivan in the parking lot.

"What took you so long?" Normani asked from the passenger seat, as soon as the doors opened.

"Normani? You're with them?" Ariana asked surprised and confused, earning a shocked look from Normani.

"Come on, I'll walk you to your car." I said to Ariana, trying to get her away from the car.

She spared Normani one last confused glance, before walking with me to her own car. When we reached it, I stopped her.

"Thank you." I said once again, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"I'll pick you up around 7 on Friday. See you in school." I told Ariana, kissing her cheek.

I smiled at her, before jogging back to the minivan. Dinah, Lauren and Matt were still getting into the van.

"We have to go now!" Matt said, panicking for no reason.

"Matt, relax. Can you get into the car first, before I drive off?" Ally asked, chuckling at my brother's behavior.

Matt looked at Dinah and Lauren sitting next to one another. There was another seat next to them, but it was filled with bags. So Matt panicked and jumped on top of the two girls and the bags. The two girls groaned and tried pushing him off.

"I'm in, now drive!" Matt spoke to Ally, whom accidentally touched the wrong button causing the windshield wipers to turn on. She panicked and starting pressing different buttons to turn them off.

"Shit, I dropped my phone under the seat. Zack hang on!" Normani said, leaning forward and feeling around under her seat for her phone. I heard Zack talking to her through the phone.

I stood back and laughed at my friends, shaking my head. Matt got up and climbed over the seats to the back row. Normani found her phone and told Zack we were on our way. Ally found the right button and the windshield wipers turned off.

I got in through the other door, sitting down in the back next to Matt, and Ally drove us away from the Hospital.

I looked outside of the window, to see Ariana still standing there with a dreamy expression on her face.

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