Chapter 10

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"Hey (Y/N)! I didn't see you this morning?" I heard Camila say, Matt greeting her and then disappearing. Camila walked up to me as I shut the door of the car and swung my backpack over my shoulder. "Yeah, sorry. Chloe had to leave earlier since she had cheerleading try-outs, so I had to bring Maggie to her babysitter. Plus: Matt doesn't have his drivers license yet cause he failed 4 times."I told her, as we strolled down the path to the schools main entrance door. Camila nodded and we made our way inside the school.

"I have to go drop off the car keys at Chloe's try-outs so she can drive home." I told Camila. "That's okay, I have to get something out of my locker anyways. I'll see you later!" she answered. We separated and I started walking down the halls. When I passed a trophy collection, I stopped to look at them. There were quite a lot of prizes won by the school's team. 'Amarus High: Home Of The Pythons.' I read on one of the banners as I looked around.

When I arrived at the gymnasium, I looked around trying to find Chloe. When I spotted a group of girls, I started making my way to them. But when I started walking, I bumped into someone, making both of us and the stuff they were holding fall to the ground. "I'm so so sorry, I wasn't looking." I told them, rubbing the back of my head whilst sitting up. I crutched down onto one knee and starting picking up the water bottles that were spread around the gymnasium floor. "It's okay, I wasn't looking either. So I'm sorry." The female voice spoke. We looked at one another and smiled, while picking up the water bottles. "Here, let me help you carry those. Where do you need them?" I asked her, carrying 12 bottles in my arms now. "Thank you. Right there, where those girls are." She told me, carrying a lot of bottles as well. I nodded and we started walking. "This is what happens when the head-cheerleader couldn't get them herself cause she was too busy gushing about how hot her new crush is." The girls spoke, talking about Ariana. When I didn't say anything she looked at me, whilst I smiled at her awkwardly. "Wait.. She was gushing about her new crush being new.. You're new. Cause I have never seen you around and I know everybody in the school, so you must be Ariana's crush." She told me smirking at my uncomfortable body language at the mention of the small brunette having a crush on me. "Unfortunately, yes." I mumbled loud enough for her to hear. She laughed making me smile. "I'm Normani by the way. And you must me (Y/N)." She told me. "Yes I am, nice to meet you Normani." I told the seemingly friendly girl, as we reached the group of girls.

"Get you drinks here girls." Normani spoke, making all the girls walk towards our direction. Normani and I handed them each a water bottle, as they eyed me not knowing how I was of course. "(Y/N)?" I heard Chloe ask, making all the girls look at me then to Chloe. She walked towards me, removing the sweat from her forehead with a towel. "Hey C, whats up?" I asked my younger sister, handing her a water bottle. "What are you doing here?" She asked me, taking a sip of her water. I didn't say anything, just held up the keys, making her understand what I meant whilst taking the keys from my hand. "How do you think your try-outs went?" I asked her, her eyes immediately sparkling out of excitement. "Yes! Arian said she needs to check with the others but she thinks I'll make it into the team!" She told me squealing jumping into my arms, making everyone look at us. "That's amazing Chloe! I'm so proud of you! So whe"-"Is that my (Y/N/N)? Are you here to surprise me?" I heard Ariana ask as she skipped over to us. My eyes widened, making Chloe and Normani laugh. "Aaanyways. I'll see you at home Chloe bye. And Normani nice meeting you." I told the two girls as fast as I could. I started walking away fast, trying to escape Ariana. "Wow who is that?" I heard a girl ask. "That is MINE." Ariana warned, I knew she was glaring just by the tone in her voice. I shook my head and walked off to my first class of the day.


"Thanks Mrs. Brown." I told the lunch lady, giving her a polite smile. "You're welcome, (Y/N)." The older woman said as she smiled at me. I grabbed my tray and made my way towards the same lunch table I had been sitting at for a week now. "Hey (Y/N/N)." I heard Lauren and Camila say in unison as they sat down at my table. I smiled at them, still chewing my sandwich. Soon I saw Ally, the girl I met in the library, walk towards our table as well. I smiled swallowing my food as she sat beside me.

"Girls, this is Ally. Ally, these are Lauren and Camila." I told them. They waved at one another and started talking about anything and everything while I peacefully ate my lunch. Soon Chloe joined us, along with Ariana and Normani. I introduced them to one another, but Ariana kept eyeing Lauren, Camila and Ally. So she'd either be glaring at them, or staring at me. But every time I'd look at her, she'd wink at me making me shift uncomfortably in my seat. Every time this would happen, I'd see Chloe in the corner of my eye just laughing at my interaction with the brunette. For the remainder of the lunch break, I'd sit back quietly looking around in the cafeteria. I'd sometimes make eye contact with Dinah and we'd smile at one another.

What an interesting school this is.

Scoptophobia. (Fifth Harmony/You)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant