Chapter 24

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We were almost done eating, and ever since we had sat back down Ariana had been eyeing the three of us through squinted eyes. She thought I didn't know, because when I looked straight at her she would just smile at me. But I felt her looking at me, and I saw her from the corner of my eye.

Matt, Zac and I ate like animals. We ate our food so fast, everyone at the table was looking at us. Even Maggie, who's mouth was dirty herself. But that's because she was a toddler.

With our mouths still full, cheeks stuffed, the three of us waited patiently for the others to be done so we could be excused. After they were done staring, everyone was done. The three of us raced upstairs, towards my bedroom. When we entered Matt closed the door, and we sat down on the floor.

"So Normani and Dinah were already hanging out, they're both on their way. Ally is having dinner right now, she's coming over after. Lauren could be here any second, and Camila was walking her dog real quick so she'll be here any moment as well." I explained, scrolling through my phone messages.

"Okay good, have you thought about how you're going to tell them?" Zac asked me, making me shake my head in response.

"Honestly, we don't even know what happened. So I don't know how to even explain it in the first place." I answered, sighing deeply.

Before any one of us could say anything else, the door bell rang. I got up and walked towards the door.

"I'll get the door every time, you guys move the stuff to the music room." I spoke, causing them to nod in response.

I walked down the stairs and was met with Ariana and Chloe in the hallway.

"I'll get it, it's for me anyways." I spoke nervously, trying to sound normal.

"Okay, we were on our way upstairs anyways. I was finally going to show Ariana the music room." Chloe spoke excited, making my eyes widen.

"You can't!" I quickly spoke, cause them to look at me confused.

"I mean, I'm gonna use it now and it's a mess in there so maybe later." I tried covering up, I could feel the sweat forming on my forehead.

"Are you okay? You've been acting weird lately. You're all jumpy and sweating nervously." Chloe asked concerned and confused. I quickly nodded at the two of them.

"I'm perfect." Walking backwards towards the door.

"Why are you even wearing sweaters all day all of a sudden? It's not like it's freezing outside." Ariana asked me, as I turned the door handle.

"No reason, it's just comfy." I said, cutting the conversation short by opening the door. Before me stood Lauren and Camila with smiles on their face.

"Ladies, do come in." I said as the stepped closer to greet me with a hug and kiss on the cheek, since Ariana was there.

"Please follow me." I said, opening the door wide for them to both walk in. They walked in and greeted Chloe and a very angry looking Ariana, as I closed the door behind them.

"Alright, well we'll be upstairs." I spoke nervous, before leading the way up the stairs.

When we reached the second floor, where my room was, I kept walking up the stairs all the way up. I looked back at Camila and Lauren and saw them looking at each other confused.

When we reached the music room, I opened the door to let the two girls in. Zac and Matt greeted the two as nervous as I did and gestured for them to take a seat on the floor.

I was about to walk in when my phone rang. I accepted the call and put my phone against my ear.


"Yo, (Y/N)! It's Dinah. Normani and I are pulling up to your house. I think I see Ally as well." I heard Dinah's voice say through the phone.

"Okay, I'll be right down to open the door. Bye." I said, before hanging up and facing Matt, Zac, Camila and Lauren.

"I'll be right back." I said, then closed the door and walked all the way downstairs to the front door and opening it.

"Sup (Y/N)." Dinah said, as she walked towards me with Ally and Normani.

"Hey guys, please come in." I said, opening the door wider for them to walk in. When they had entered I closed the door and faced them.

"You guys can go all the way up to the attic, that's where everyone else is. I'll just get us some snacks and drinks." I said, pointing up the stairs.

They nodded and smiled at me, before making their way up the stairs.I watched them disappear up the stairs, and sighed deeply.

I was so nervous and already exhausted.

I walked towards the kitchen and grabbed some cups, drinks and snacks. I slowly walked up the stairs, while balancing all the stuff. With a lot of struggle, I slowly managed to turn the door handle and open the door.

"Hey guys, little help?" I asked, almost dropping some of the snacks.

Normani got up and took some of the stuff out of my hands and placed it on the table behind her. I send her a smile and the two of us sat down with the rest. I looked around and met Zac and Matt equally nervous looking faces. I took a deep breath and decided to speak up first.

"Okay, well you guys might be wondering why you're all here. " I started, looking around to see everyone look at me.

"You also might be wondering why Matt, Zac and I always act so weird and mysterious. Why we needed those files. Why we always disappear. And why I'm all jumpy, nervous, having panic attacks, and so on and so on.." I spoke, the rest of the group nodding at everything I named that was questionable.

I looked at Zac and Matt, and they both gave me a nod and smile to go on.

"It all started our second week here in Amarville, when heard about the stories of the Amarville Creek. So one day, we decided to go exploring. And that's where it started..."

Scoptophobia. (Fifth Harmony/You)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum