Major Headlines

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Everything became a bit a of a blur for Dressrosa.

Trebol was revealed to be a traitor, the true royal family and Doflamingo were indeed framed for the past 10 years, and Trebol had gotten a real beating of a lifetime.

Though he was a slime man, Jasmine had set him on fire and such.
(Sorry for the little action. I know a good number of you want to finally see Doflamingo and Jasmine together at last, and here it is!)
During Doflamingo's confrontation with the royal family, he actually apologized for what he did, and Rika actually forgave him and his crew for what happened, saying that Trebol was responsible for the whole mess.

"Doflamingo." A navy admiral walked up to him with a certain look on his face.

"If you're gonna show the world the truth, I think what I'm going to do next will shake the world." The feathered man slightly smiled as he walked over to Jasmine while she was resting.


"Jasmine." The former king said as he knelt to Jasmine's eyelevel.

"Everyone, even those who were my people were convinced that I was a monster outside of my family. But, beyond even my own understanding, you were able to tame the beast I was." He said as he was holding her hand.

"You're really going to do this?"

"Yes. Although, it can only happen if-"Jasmine said only to be interrupted.

"I know. But, I no longer care. I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Doflamingo said as he took Jasmine into his arms, and held her gently. In front of marines, even while being filmed, and his action being seen by three nearby islands.

".....Alright. Let's see how far you're willing to make that sacrifice." Jasmine smiled.
The three islands that saw this were in shock, taking pictures.

"The Heavenly Demon is...?!"
"Put this in the papers!"
"Boss! We've got a scoop!"
Within half a day, the news spread like a wildlife.

Breaking News!
Doflamingo Leaves the Warlords!

Even certain supernovas found out.

"Doflamingo, huh? Nice to see Mystic Mother's doing well." A pink haired woman said.

"What?! But we already paid the money! You can't do this to us Joker!"

"My deal has fallen through!"

"If only that woman didn't show up!"

Sorry for making you wait, but I did have college and taxes to do. Either way, this story is soon coming to an end, and I plan to do a crossover sequel of sorts, but I can't decide. Let me know!

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