Gecko Moriah!/Rise of a Dragoness!

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The first thought that came to Jasmine's mind was that the guys she was going to face looked like an ugly overgrown gourd.

He was...something she had never seen before. He was too small to be a giant, but too tall and out of proportion to be human. He reeked on the darkness and madness, like those she had met before. He had claw like hands and horn like hair, and, like she thought, his body was shaped like a gourd.

He laughed madly when he saw her, and threw his head back, along with his neck, as he laughed. His hands were clutching the air as they faced up as well. Like some mad scientists she had seen do. Well, at least she got some basis to work off of.

"Moria...return the shadows of the people you have victimized...or I will make you a victim of me," Jasmine said and glared at him, her eyes shifting, while she didn't notice, it was turning from fur to thin black scales. And her canines were becoming longer, she noted as well.

He laughed at this too, and then face her. "You and what army?"

"I am an army of one, and that's all that's needed to take you down," Jasmine said and rolled her shoulders. He was more able with shadows than she was. And all she really knew to do with shadows were the basics. And if she ate too many shadows that he produced then she risked herself.

"Heh, well that spirit will do just fine. Not to mention the powers I heard you possess. I'll create an unstoppable zombie from your shadow to become my 900th soldier! My strongest and most prized of them all, the Continent Pusher, Oars. The ultimate special zombie. You should be honored to know that your spirit will do amazing things with me controlling it. And then I'll finally be able to become the Pirate King!" Moria explained and threw his head back and cackled.

"You? Pirate King? Keep dreaming. You won't be the Pirate King, because the title will go to me when I get One Piece and become the Pirate Queen," Jasmine snarled at the man and clenched her fists before releasing them. And then she called upon her gauntlets. She hadn't been using them all this time. "And besides, my shadow won't leave me. It's not normal, and too strong." As she said this her shadow climbed off the floor and then danced around her body. They were still connected though. And in her shadow there were spinning masses of darkness.

"What? What is going on?" Moria shrieked, confused as to what was happening.

"You aren't the only one who can use shadows, and mine happens to be of shadow magic." Jasmine told him and attacked. She sent her fist into his giant belly, her shadow matching her movement, though being harsher as the shadow added small spikes to its wispy fist for more damage. Jasmine glared at her shadow, it having a darker undertone of her nature. The shadow her came forward and laid a hand on Jasmine's body. And then wrapped around Jasmine and her body. It made black tendrils snake up her form and up her face. Like armor. But this armor made Jasmine lose it. With it coiled around her it was wearing her down.

And Jasmine went on a rampage. Moria used his shadows to keep his distance, and Jasmine would devour them or tear them apart and continue stalking towards him. She would throw fists and roar with the shadows pouring out of her, causing mass damage to the room she was in. Moria did his best to fend her off, and was keeping his distance to really make sure she was alright.

She beat everything she came across, including the zombies who had come into the room. But she finally had enough dancing around and leapt for Moria. Using her force she tackled him to the ground. He screeched and thrashed his large body, trying to stop her. She lifted her head and then pointed a finger back down at him. "Black Lightning" she yelled and it spiraled right into his face, and cracked the floor they were on.

And then they were falling. Moria's body first as he went through floor after floor. Jasmine jumped up and landed on a floor so she stopped falling and then went after him again. Wanting to put some distance between them. When he hit the bottom level she landed on his stomach, making him scream in agony as her feet dug into his large stomach and then she flipped off of him and away.

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