Revelations and True Masterminds

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The Alabasta arc may be shorter than the original, but as I mentioned in the previous chapter, there will be a twist. Read this chapter to know what it is!
"Alright, are all of you ready for this? We know what we have to do. Get to Rain Dinners, find Crocodile, kick his ass, and expose him. Separate into groups and stay hidden, Crocodile will most likely be looking for all of us at this point," Jasmine said as she looked around at her group of nakama, faces all firm and ready to take action against the thorn in all their sides. They were at Rain Base...or well, outside of it still in the desert, going over plans that they had determined when they had decided not to confront the revolutionaries, but Crocodile instead. They would use their lives to take him out.

Jasmine had no doubt in her mind this would be a difficult fight, he was a shichibukai and a logia user as well. That garnered the fact that he was powerful, and Jasmine had no idea how to fight a Logia user, they were the element herself in her mind. But she couldn't let that deter her, not when there was so much riding on her winning against the man, not when she had people counting on her. Her nakama. Her family.

They broke up into groups: Zoro, the twins, the kids, Andromeda and Jasmine, ( along with Nagini and Hedwig and her creature case), Buggy, Usopp, Charlie, Dudley, and Nami, Vivi, Ginny, Luna, Fleur and Alvida, and Sanji and Chopper. They would enter the city at different points and make their way in to the casino. Hopefully they wouldn't attract too much attention this way. At least they hoped that they could divert the Billions attention from them. No way would Crocodile not have them lurking around this city to report to him. He was too meticulous not to do so. By splitting up they couldn't be as easily surrounded.

What Jasmine wasn't counting on was for Smoker and his marines to also be lurking around the city, her group was nearly getting caught by Tashigi and Smoker at one point. Thankfully they had concealed themselves before they were spotted. But this fact gave Jasmine an idea and she sent Zoro on ahead by himself and to catch up to Nami and Usopp who were no doubt scared by being on their own.

The rest of her group stayed behind to help Jasmine.

He had listened and now Jasmine was waiting for her moment to strike. Smoker had turned down an alley and in a burst of speed she followed him down and grabbed the marine before hauling him, as quickly as she could, out of Rain Base.

When they reached the desert once more Jasmine dropped him and then faced him. He seeing who she was got up with an annoyed look on his face. "Mystic Mother...I knew you'd come here," he said as his fists already began to turn into clouds of smoke.

"We don't have time for this Smoker, there are more important things for you to be doing besides arresting me, or trying to at least. I call a temporary truce, just hear me out...this is important," Jasmine said and Smoker got an annoyed look on his face, the smoke not disappearing.

"Why would I?" He asked and took a step closer to her, and kept coming towards her, but Jasmine didn't move back, even when he was right in front of her. The smoke from his cigars puffing into her face.

Smoker didn't show it, but he caught the scent of exotic flowers of her namesake, the sea, and sweet nectar from her. It did make him feel a little dizzy, but he has to focus on capturing her!

"To take down Crocodile," she said and this got his attention, a more curious look coming to his face, only recognizable in the lift in his eyebrows. "Do you have the power to take down Crocodile?"

He paused and looked her over before he took a step back and huffed. "No...the only way I know to beat a logia user is with Haki, a power I don't have." He confessed and Jasmine deflated and began to mull over plans in her head.

"Well listen, I need you to take all of your marines and head to Albarna while I face off against Crocodile, even without this 'Haki' I'll find a way. Listen to me, you are good marine, I know this, you care about innocents and civilian and that is something I like about you. You aren't one of those corrupt marines, cruel and self-serving, so I know I can entrust this to you," she said and Smoker seemed a bit perturbed by her words, and though Jasmine would tease him about it later, he had gone a bit pink with embarrassment. "Crocodile is running a group called Baroque Works and has gathered all of his forces here. And he has fueled the fire of the revolution here, and tomorrow those revolutionaries will attack the capital and the king. The suffering in this country is due to Crocodile, for during that time he will use it to attain what he wants. Vivi believes it is this country...but I think it's something else, something much more powerful and dangerous. And I also found something else that makes me believe that Crocodile may be someone's puppet as well."

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