Enter Skypeia, God's Game

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Everything was white, as far as the eye can see.

The kids looked to be unaffected much, and were jumping around obviously hyped by the ride they just had. "Again! Again, we wanna do it again!"

"Not for a long time!" Bill shouted over them.

It would take some time for them to get used to the difference in oxygen concentration.

"Is anybody hurt severely?" Jasmine asked as she looked around, not seeing anything, but perhaps they felt something.

"Just difficulty breathing," Nami responded and Jasmine explained her theory about that.

"This also means that you muscles aren't receiving as much oxygen, so you won't be as strong. If you get into a fight while you're still getting used to the air you'll become fatigued quickly," Lucy told them as she rested against the side of Sacred Lion, and then turned to the White Sea before them. Usopp came up next to her and gaped at the expanse of white before trying to take a swim in it.

Luna grabbed him by the back of his neck before he could dive in. "Usopp, This ocean doesn't have a bottom, you'll end up falling to your death."

"Eh! N-never mind, I don't want to," Usopp shouted as he ran back to the center of the deck. The rest of the crew came and stood beside her and looked excitedly across the expanse of the strange and new sea.

Ginny saw something off in the distance, but could only see the top, so climbed up to the crow's nest. She could see a gate.

"Guys, we need to head that way. The log pose is still pointing up, and there's some sort of gate over...there is a man skating on the clouds coming towards us," Ginny broke off her sentence as she saw the man approach, and he was wearing a large wooden mask over his face. He was holding some kind of shield and bazooka like gun. He was really moving towards them and he moved to attack them, though the bazooka was an indication of that.

"And he has a weapon with him!" Ginny shouted.

"Jasmine! What do we do?" Usopp called up with a worried look on his face. But by that time the man had already jumped up and was pointing the gun at them.

But Crocodile used his power to blind him and knocked the gun out of him hands and then grabbed onto him and pulled him to the ship.

Jasmine caught him by his collar and held him down with a hand. She then reached for his mask and removed it.

"Who are you and why did you wish to attack us?" Jasmine asked as she took in the man's annoyed face. He was tall and muscular, with a small pair of wings on his back, and various tribal like tattoos covering his body and some of his face. His hair was dark brown and formed into a Mohawk that became a segmented braid down his back and a little past his waist. He wore a grass skirt with fangs and claws decorating a rope string around it. On his right arm he had a full set of bandages.

"Leave outsiders of the Blue Sea, you do not belong here," was what he responded with, and said it quite scathingly as well. He was glaring fiercely now and was trying to overpower her and stand up, but she kept him down and in place.

"We will leave after I have found and rung a golden bell which has a tone so beautiful it could quell beasts," Jasmine told him, remembering what Cricket had told them about the bell, and how Norland had described it in his log book. The man froze and snarled at her.

"How do you know of the bell?" He asked and began to take shuddering breaths, a testimony of his desire to fight and attack them.

"So it is here, the bell Norland described. The golden land that Norland lost his life for defending its reality, after the land disappeared," Jasmine said, and crouched down. She looked into his eyes and took a deep breath, she could smell the anger...but there was also sadness and drive too. It was strange to see him change emotions so quickly, or rather to find someone who knew something and had such deep emotions for something so old.

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