Side Story: Doflamingo lashes at Trebol?!

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Doflamingo and the others had returned from their vacation on Spa Island, and Trebol immediately told his leader that the incoming of new slaves would arrive to Sabaody Archipelago, and even said that there were pretty female slaves in this time.

But again, Dofy said no.

"Dofy, you need to get yourself together, you're the Evil Charisma, remember? Do you know what those of the underworld will say if word of this gets out? They'll think you've grown soft. So just forget that about that stupid whore-" Trebol said until he was interrupted.

By his own leader by being thrown into the wall, and having his face become a bloody mess.

"Excuse me. I didn't hear you. What did you call Jasmine?" He said with a dangerous tone of Venom in his voice.

"Wha, um, uh-" Trebol said confused by Dofy's action.

He never lashed out at anyone in the Donquixote Family before!

"I think he called Jasmine-Kaa-sama a 'stupid whore', if I'm right, young master." Sugar tattled as she glared at Trebol as well.

Those that went with Doflamingo had the same look on their faces.

What was going on?!


"Y-yes Dofy?"

"I don't know what you're thinking saying that Jasmine's a whore, but she's not. She's a lot like me.

We both experienced terrible realities of the world, and trust me when I say this:" Doflamingo said as he used his power on Trebol.

"If I hear any badmouthing about her, even if it's from you, I won't just let it slide.

And if there are some sacrifices for me to make for her, I'll do it. I'll even forfeit my titles as king and warlord for her."

"WHAT?!? WHAT ARE YOU SAYING DOFY?!" Trebol yelled. "Tell me your joking."

Then Dofy just glared at him with a serious face.

Trebol turned to the others, and they looked serious as well.

Doflamingo let Trebol go and continued his way toward the castle when Diamante called to inform him about something urgent from the World Government.

"What I said before was serious Trebol. No more badmouthing Mystic Mother. The punishment for that will be.....

Then he walked off to take the call.

With what was happening around the young master, and with who he had been seeing, he wasn't sure if Dofy would take his job as a king/underworld broker seriously anymore.

And all because of one woman!

That damn Mystic Mother! She seems to be winning the whole family's favor.

The younger members see her as a mother figure despite their age.

Some of the others were relived that he was considering settling down.

But from the sound of things, Dofy was willing to actually run away with her!

Dofy couldn't do this to him!

Give up the throne, the kingdom?!

For some, some random woman-child?!

For now, he can't make any moves.
Here's another side story! I couldn't resist putting this in.

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