Punk Hazard

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After departing from Fishman Island, Jasmine was still trying to make sense of the New World's weather.

It was a bit simular to that of the first half of the grand line, but a lot more Wilder.

Usopp and Chopper had almost had a thousand heart attacks, each, in one minute, apparently enough time for about ten different weather phenomenon to come rolling in and crash over them. Nami and Jasmine yelling orders to the crew with great speed of mind and mouth, and the Sunny, through sheer will and strength of body, had combatted everything though, and now they sailed warily over the sea. Waiting for whatever came next.

She had been told to get some rest because she hadn't slept properly in almost four days, besides that nap with Zoro and the kids before reaching Fishman Island. But with so much happening so quickly, all she could do was stay awake and prepare for now. After the fight on Fishman Island the idea of finally arriving at the New World had thrown Lucy into overdrive. She was not able to sleep, but would just lay awake thinking all night. Maybe she got an hour or two at the Palace. But she couldn't recall. A mother has to look out for her kin.

So now here she was, sitting on her bed, still not able to sleep. She knew she should get sleep, but right now she was still too excited.

The New World had not disappointed yet in its danger, and she could feel something coming now. She was just waiting for their next adventure to begin. But if it was a New World Adventure there was even more reason to sleep. Rest and be prepared.

Finally she flopped back on her bed, did her best not to think, and then fell asleep.

But then Jasmine awoke violently, tearing into an upright position and focusing her ears. There was a sharp cry coming from the kitchen. She flipped the covers off of her body and scurried to the kitchen where everyone was gathered. On her way there she noticed a sea of flames before them, but kept walking into the kitchen. She noticed the Den Den Mushi was the cause of the noise that had woken her. The snail phone was crying. An emergency signal.

Jasmine walked over to the phone, her hand hovering over the talk piece. "Jasmine, wait. Half of emergency signals are fake and created by the marines to tap phones and track pirates. If you answer they'll be able to track us," Crocodile informed Jasmine, his tone as impartial as always.

"But if I don't we won't know if someone actually needs our help of not. Besides, I trust you all. My crew can handle any Marine that comes after us, and then we can just get a new phone when we get to the next island if it's fake, we have enough money for it," Jasmine said, garnering cheers of agreement to her words. Besides, Jasmine would regret not picking it up. Her mind would be thinking constantly over this call if she didn't pick it up. Maybe this is what she had been anticipating. She picked up the phone. "Hello? Who is this? What is your emergency?"

"Help me! Please, this samurai is insane! He's going to kill us!" A male voice responded, panicked and high pitched with fear. She narrowed her eyes, looking at Zoro who nodded his head, looking towards his swords on his hip, one in particular.

"Calm down, where are you right now?" Jasmine tried again, trying to begin asking her questions again. But the man began to speak once more.

"It-It's so cold. Please, save me. I'm on Punk Hazard!" The man's voice shook with the cold at the beginning, and then it became the fearful one right after. "No don't come any closer! Please, don't!" His voice cut off after that, the Den Den Mushi spitting out blood as they could only assume that the man had died. Jasmine stared warily at the phone as she placed it back down on the snail's back.

"He was killed!" Usopp and Chopper screamed fearfully.

"Hmm.. Strange. It came from a nearby island, but there's a sea of fire near it." Jasmine said.

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