Beat Down of a Non Believer! Beware the Lioness!

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I recommend you listen to The Lioness by Xandria while reading this part.

Jasmine was running in her nemean lioness form like mad, while seeing red.

Bellamy won't know what hit him.
Back in Mock Town, a man was walking around being drunk, when a stack of wanted papers landed in front of him.

This man was one of Bellamy's henchmen.

"Is that newspaper? Must be the real early edition. Heheheh. Oh wait, it's a stack of wanted posters. We live in a crazy world nowadays."

Then he came across Jasmine's wanted poster.

"Hey, it's that lady from earlier. What was her Bounty again?"

"195. 195,000. I think I need some reading glasses! Hahaha!"

But as he looked at it again and read further all the color drained from his face and he started sweating up a storm.

"1,950,000. 19,500,000........ 195 million?!?!"

Then he heard something walking towards him. Making the ground tremble.

Around him, birds were beginning to fly away In A frantic panic.

As if they were trying to get out of the way of something angry.

He turned around to face a large lioness the size of a two-story house. Fangs, claws and all

He swore he nearly s*** himself.

It's paw held him him down, and he heard it actually speak.

"Where is Bellamy?" This lioness had the lady's voice exept it was deeper.

"I uh, eek!" He panicked.

"Have you ever seen what a mother lion would do to protect her cubs?" She asked with her teeth showing.

"He-he's still at the bar! Please don't eat me!" The man cowered, fearing for his life.

The Lioness let him go, and proceeded into town.

Bellamy shouldn't have missed with them in the first place; he's dead before he can blink" the shaking man mumbled under his breath while he is gazing at bounty paper in his hands. The Straw-Hat girl is grinning back at him showing her pearly white teeth, but he's really looking at the number again and then at picture back and forth, back and forth like broken record and he still believes that this girl is stronger than Bellamy. Jasmine stood in the middle with cheering crowds surrounding her, and her gaze is set on Bellamy alone as the Hyena laugh.

By the time he got there, Mock Town was already making an impression of Swiss Cheese, everywhere you see holes on every building and floor has been done. And if someone thinks this was done by array of cannonballs their sadly mistaken, it was Bellamy who did all of this using his power of the Devil Fruit that goes by the name of Spring Spring Fruit.

Bellamy is on top of one undestroyed building, cockily smirking down at the punt girl who didn't do much to strike him back all she ever did was avoiding his attacks, pathetic in his opinion and his Crew sees her as nothing but pathetic weakling.

The crowds applaud for Bellamy because there's nothing that could beat a man whose bounty worth fifty five million Berri. But one man is doubt that this girl is weak, after he saw her new bounty on her head and he almost ALMOST wet his pants when saw the number of zeros he counted, and she's not the only, apparently a guy with weird algae green hair also has a higher bounty than Bellamy by five million. There were others in her crew with bounties higher than Bellamy's. And one of them was a former warlord; Crocodile of all people!

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