2 years later...

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Over two years had passed since the Marineford 'Massacre'.

The heat about the Strawhats seemed to be dwindling.

...Except for the fact that there was talk about a woman claiming to be 'Mystic Mother' along with her crew.


They looked nothing like the Strawhats!
It was getting pretty rowdy. Especially with that Jasmine impersonator who was going around. There were fliers up all around about the Strawhat Pirates recruiting for their crew. It was all a load of crap. But Jasmine was so famous now, and not in a good way. It was bound to happen eventually. Except Nami had seen the woman calling herself Jasmine…she was disgusting. None of the fakes looked like the others either.

It was kinda sad, using a name to gain power. Jasmine got her power through hard work. But Nami would leave it be. Her captain would be here soon, and the world would know not to deal with the real Strawhat Pirates. Nami smiled from just the thought of it.

Knowing Jasmine, she would show off her appearance for the world to know she's back.
A certain woman was watching the scene with a dark laugh.

This was so sad, it was funny.

Jasmine stared down at the scene before her. Allies to help them in the New World? Ha! Just living shields to fight for them.

But how did everyone come to believe that woman was her, she'll never know. Jasmine and the one before them looked nothing alike. The woman had ashen gray skin, and her hair was a brownish black. The scars were in the wrong place. The woman was also incredibly tall, her face was too pointed, her nose crooked, and she had eyes that had an ugly shade of green, like dying grass.

How? How did people fall for this? Or are they really that stupid?

She watched as her imposter rallied her crew, loud and crude, cursing like no one's business, and spit spraying all over the place. Her laugh was also quite shrill. Lucy had to plug her ears. But then the marines showed up.

Sentoumaru, the man who had been there at the war as well two years ago, was here as well. He two had Pacifistas behind him, his broad axe in hand, and a marine coat on his shoulders. So…he had joined the marines now.

She rested her head on her palm as she sat above them all on a building. Her legs crossed, though covered by the cloak. Might as well enjoy the show.

The imposter version of her began to shriek in Sentoumaru's face about who she was. Using a name for strength. But not having anything to back it up.

What a wimp.

"Don't screw with me, Potter isn't trash like you!" Sentoumaru yelled and brought down his axe on the woman. The fake version of her crew all shrieked. The woman's true identity was revealed as well.

A nobody pirate known for trying to disguise herself. All of the pirates in the area were disappointed, they had followed a fake. Now they truly believed Jasmine was dead. "Where are you Potter?! PX-5 sensed you in the area when we got here! Come out and surrender!"

Jasmine giggled to herself and muffled her laugh. She should probably leave now, so as not to cause problems. She turned her back on them when she heard the shot fired at her. She caught it with her bare hands and absorbed it into her body. She looked over her shoulder, and disappeared as the Pacifista came for her. She appeared above it and kicked its head. It hit the ground as she reappeared on the building she had been on. Easily dodging the shot fired at her, they crashing into a tree behind her.

"Too slow, Sentoumaru," Jasmine said, turning back around to face the crowd. She took off her hood, and then untied the cloak around her neck, the cloth bunching around her feet. "Those things haven't improved even slightly against me, you should know that by now, or have you forgotten?"

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