Reverse Mountain and Laboon

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Right now, I need to decide other animal forms to use for Jasmine for certain arcs. I'm thinking of one's for Alabasta, Eneis Lobby, Thriller Bark, Marineford, and so on.
Need opinions!
Mystic Phoenix
Wind Dragon
Night Fury
Mega Milotic-like sea king?

These are the ones I like most!
Plz vote!!
Now, on with the chapter!

The Sacred Lion had made it through the tall mountain that is so tall can almost touch the heaven above, so now the ship is sailing down in a fast pace and about to enter the Grand Line.

The whole crew was wooing and cheering not because their having the time of their lives, but their goals and dreams are laying stretch over the horizon as they begin their new chapter of their grand adventure.

Now they were speeding down the mountain, still not below the clouds yet. But she could see it. She could see the greatest sea again, it was calmer than where she had been. But she knew that could change in a second. But as she looked at it now, stretched out before her, a rush came over her. It's beauty was unbelievable. But so was it's power.

This was the greatest test to all creatures living on this earth. Jasmine looked back over her shoulder at her crew, all of them hanging on for dear life to Merry. But so long as she had them, she would make it, she knew it. And somewhere on this sea were more nakama of theirs. Just waiting for them.

"Jasmine Kaa-sama! Nami-san!" Sanji cried out from the riggings, his voice nearly drowned out by the sound of the water. "There's a mountain down there. It looks like we're gonna crash into it!" Jasmine looked at him, and then to Nami.

No way there was a mountain there, the map hadn't been wrong so far. And even Nami and Buggy was yelling at him that that wasn't right, that it was supposed to be straight sea after Reverse Mountain. "But Sanji's right! I see it!" Dudley shouted, and then they went through the clouds, and that heart attack came back. Nami, Buggy and Usopp were screaming, Zoro, Alvida, and Sanji were all screaming, and Jasmine and the other mystics just sat at her seat. There was a huge...something blocking the entrance.

Jasmine took a good look at it and noticed something.

It wasn't a mountain.

Well, the next thing everyone knew, they were inside the whale, met a man named Crocus, who turned out to be the whale's caretaker.

He told the crew of the two being criminals who were trying to kill the whale they were currently in. And how he would never allow it. He would protect the whale. The two strangers began to laugh and picked up their guns and fired, saying they would kill the whale and the old man couldn't stop them. The cannonballs that were in the guns sailed through the air, and the old man jumped from his place above, causing himself to get hit by the cannonballs instead. The old man fell into the acid, and the two began to laugh. Jasmine felt rage boil up in her, and then she grabbed the laughing pair by their hair and then slammed their faces into each other.

"I can't stand people who would laugh at someone for protecting something they care about." Jasmine   then jumped off the boat and back into the acid, and began to swim to the old man who was treading water, unsteadily. She pulled him back to the island that was in the stomach as well.

Jasmine's crew came over to the small island and the man went back to a reclining chair. The pair had been tied up and were now in front of them all. Sanji had tried to coerce them to let the woman go, but Jasmine had told him no. He had listened to her.

"Thank you for saving me...but why?" The old man, Crocus, asked and looked up to Jasmine .

"I don't like people who laugh at other for protecting something they care about," Jasmine explained easily. "Any way, what are these guys doing trying to kill this whale? And what are you doing living inside a whale as well?"

"These two are from an island a little bit aways. Their town needs food and if they were to kill Laboon, they would be able to feed their town off his meat for two to three years," Crocus explained, glaring at the two.

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