Farewell Skypiea!

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Now that things were settled dmown, and with Enel's defeat, the 400 year war is finally over.

With the Skypieans and Shandians homeless, they decided to go up to the ruins and live there like the ancient Shandians did long ago.

Now, it was time to celebrate.

The party was still on, it had been going on for eight days now, a giant bonfire at the base of Giant Jack. It rose a few hundred feet into the air, a brilliant white with gold in it. It was her fire, and would only go out naturally in a few more days, or if rain came.

Food and drink were passed around and no one was sad, there was nothing to be sad about. Enel was gone, the bell had been rung, everyone was on the Vearth, and there was a bright future ahead for everyone.

Jasmine may have developed a hero-complex, but she was happy to save these people from a horrible death. No doubt there would be squabbles here and there, but from the sound of it both sides had already decided on who would be their god, Gan Fall. Even if the man wasn't aware of their wishes at the moment.

The young captain was sitting atop the ruins high above the rest. She watched as Ginny, her kids, Victoria, and the young Aisa, a Shandian who had Mantra, danced and laughed and skipped around. They were enjoying themselves as they were showered with love by everyone at the party, even Wiper. After the man had recovered from his injuries he had awoken to the party on the first day, thinking it had been an attack, but soon finding his people's happiness. He vaguely remembered the bell as it tolled, waking up briefly to it, before succumbing to his injuries.

The twins were surrounded by adoring women from both sides, showing off however they can. They also earned some jealous looks from the men, especially Sanji, but he did dance with any woman who wanted to.

Chopper was dancing on top of Nora's head, who swayed and bobbed to the tribal songs and rhythms that were played. Sometimes Chopper and Luna would slide down the snake's back before climbing his way back up to the top. Usopp was currently trading for more dials, using whatever he had to trade and barter. He already had a few, and had also gotten a waver, upon Nami's insistence. But after Usopp had gone back to the ship to put all of it away he had come back raving about ghosts working on their ship. And then he promptly got drunk and began singing songs of praise for himself.

Zoro and surprisingly Crocodile was drinking like no other, though that didn't surprise anyone on the crew, all knowing how notorious Zoro was when it came to alcohol, he practically had it with anything. He took down numerous people who tried to outdrink him. But it just couldn't be done, the alcohol they had was very light, and while most of the natives didn't drink often and didn't have hard liquor like Zoro was used to, he and Crocodile easily took them all down.

Nami was also dancing around the bonfire, going from man and woman. She was loving the atmosphere, and a smile never left her face. She would occasionally bring Ginny, Fleur and Aisa into her dance, before the two girls would continue skipping around on their own. Or Nami would stop and begin making bets with people, taking no prisoners.

While Fleur did dance as well, she stuck with her husband Bill most of the time.

Robin on the other hand was much calmer, sitting by the outskirts as she watched on, sometimes joining in on a dance before heading back to her corner. A crown of flowers had been placed upon her head, made by a few of the children.

The others were doing their own thing too, either dancing, drinking, or the like.

It was nice to relax and have some fun every now and then.
Although it was fun, they would have to leave once their wounds were healed. Gathering supplies and such, they boarded the Sacred Lion.

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