Explanations and Journey into the Desert

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It took a while for Ace to cool down in the training room on the ship, with half the training equipment burned, and the house elfs were using their magic to fix the room up.

Prior to this, Jasmine told him everything that happened to her, including the plot she blindly got herself into just for her higher ups to stay in power, and of the traitors and the misery she experienced.

It also surprised him to find out that his younger sister and turned out to be a little older than he thought and a wealthy woman.

She had an overflowing amount of gold, clothing, Priceless artifacts, Jewels, potions, luxurious furniture, spacious rooms and bathrooms.

Everything looks to be handcrafted by local artisans.

It also actually had a huge Garden, a personal Zoo, Library, an aquarium, even a huge stage.

Heck her ship was basically a floating island for the wealthy!

"Vented your anger out?" Jasmine's voice rang out.

Ace turned to see Jasmine at the door in a red night gown and robe.

He didn't realize how much time had passed.

"Sorry Jazz. Are the kids in bed?"

"Yes, they turned in a while ago. We'll be hitting land in the morning. We have to help a princess save her kingdom after all." Jasmine said. "Angry at me for not responding sooner?"

"No, not anymore." Ace said as he ran a hand through his hair. "But I am angry at those that put you through that life."

"Ace. I understand that you want to get back at them. About all of my crew want to, even those back home. But that's the past. Even if the traitors look for me, I'll be ready for them." The young mystic reassured her brother. "Right now, I think you should get a shower." She joked.

"Sure." Ace smiled.

Jasmine turned to retire to her quarters when Ace grabbed her and held her in a tight hug, almost as if he was afraid she would vanish.

"Jazz. No words could explain how happy I am to know your okay. Sabo and I spent years thinking you were enslaved or worse." He muttered into his sister's hair. "But I promise the next time we meet, I won't let you out of my sight."

"We'll see, nii-chan~" Jasmine joked.

Ace left for the bathroom to get a shower next door.

As he was getting ready, he took a baby den den Mushi to call Sabo.

"Sabo. It's me, Ace. I found Jasmine."

"You did?! How is she? Is she ok?" Sabo fired off question after question.

"Yeah, she's alright, a captain of her own crew already. Although, I also found out about multiple predicaments she's in."


"Well..... for starters, we're already uncles."


The den den mushi's face reflected Sabo's expression to shock and then explosive anger.


"It's the truth. She has a godson and three biological kids; two sons and a daughter."


"Let me explain first."

Ace then proceeded to repeat to Sabo what Jasmine told him.

Sabo was silently fuming, but had to keep his temper down because Ace told him that everyone else was in bed.

"Alright. Just look after her for a while to help out. I hope I'll be able to see her soon." Before he hung up.
Meanwhile on Whitebeard's Ship, Sabo was silently crying in joy learning Jasmine was okay.
"We have to leave Sacred Lion here, Jasmine, we have to walk the rest of the way to the city of Yuba, it's a few days journey by foot," Vivi explained to the group as they secured their packs and supplied onto their backs the next day after breakfast.

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