Fishman Island! Meeting the Princes!

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Jasmine sighed and brushed the hair from her face, her nose scrunches and eyes tight as she stared across the reef like landscape. Below in the waters Sanji had yet to awaken, and Jasmine had come up to the 'surface' for air and time to think. They had finally reached Fishman Island, and had come across trouble before they could make it in a safe manner.

There were Fishmen riding Sea Beasts had come and given her a choice: join them or die. Jasmine had said no to either, and they had used the Coup de Burst to escape, and had pierced the double layer bubble to make it into Fishman Island. However, in this case they had all been separated due to the strong current of the water they had come into. With Jasmine now was Usopp, Chopper, the kids, Luna, and Sanji. Camie and her mermaid friends had rescued them.

Jasmine was still worried about the others, especially about her directionally challenged first mate, but she knew that they would be fine.  But there was also Sunny to worry about, she was a ship under water. Jasmine had no idea as it how that would work out.

"Jasmine-chin!" Camie's voice called out from one of the water spouts that filled the sky and the waters below for the fish and mermaids to swim about quickly. She was waving, and Jasmine couldn't help but let the troublesome thoughts drift and focus on the fact that everything would be fine, she would make sure of it. She was much stronger now, and so was her crew.

"Jasmine!" Chopper's voice rang out to the side as an elevator turtle sprung up from beneath the water and let out those it carries. Sanji, Usopp, and Chopper had all drifted with her when Camie had found them. Chopper ran up to Jasmine, and she scooped her little reindeer up into her arm as he giggled and laughed happily at seeing her. She smiled as well, happy they were all awake now.

"Camie-chan! Over here!" A feminine and unknown voice called from over the coral out cropping and they watched as Camie happily waved to the group of, no doubt, females. "Bring your friends too!" Sanji immediately went into a dead sprint for his life, and they watched as he started screaming over the hill. Jasmine sighed, covering her face with her hand, while Luna had a light giggle, and they followed after her cook. Once they broke past the hill line they were greeted to the site of mermaids in a cove, all of different colors and looks, but all very beautiful.

"Mermaid Paradise!" Sanji screamed and yet all the mermaids were not looking at him, but at Jasmine. Jasmine smiled at the group and got closer to the water, putting Chopper down as she reached them. Camie sprang up in the water before her, and then smiled.

"Everyone, this is Jasmine-chin! She's the captain of the Strawhat Pirates, she's also the one who saved me two years ago. And this is her kids; Teddy, James, Severus, Lily, and some of her crew, Sanji-chin, Luna-chin, Usopp-chin, and Chopper-chin!" Camie introduced them in an enthusiastic manner, a large smile on her face. But still the mermaids stared at Jasmine. Jasmine smiled at them and curtsied.

"It's a pleasure to meet Camie's friends, you're all very beautiful," Jasmine said and smiled brightly, her fangs flashing. In an instant the water in front of the rocks Jasmine was standing on was surrounded by the mermaids. They all had starry looks in their eyes and were all touching Jasmine's legs and pulling at her clothes to join them in the water.

"Not at all, it's our pleasure. Camie-chan told us all about you when she returned. What you did to the Human Shops and all the slavers in Sabaondy…and then you call us beautiful. Jasmine-chan, we've never seen anyone as beautiful as you, we don't even know if there is," one of the mermaids, Ishilly, fawned in an enthused manner.

"Oh, why thank you. To be honest, I never got such an honest complement from a fellow female. They're usually spiteful against me." Jasmine said.

For about half an hour they had a wonderful time, before Jasmine froze and looked around, towards inland and frowned. And then out to the water and her frown deepened. The mermaids seemed to understand the shift in her, and so did her crew. Jasmine stood up and placed her heels back on, combing her hair through with her fingers in an annoyed manner.

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