Aftermath of the 'Massacre'

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News of what happened spread like a wildfire.

Now everyone knew that the Mystics had returned thanks to Mystic Mother.

Jasmine became the big talk of the times. Either anyone praised her for finishing off Blackbeard, or feared her for accomplishing such a feat by rescuing Roger's child.

Most judicious nobles that heard of her feat became quietly afraid that she would kick them off their thrones because of their rigid system of rule over their countries.

Then from the war, a new wave of pirates emerged, inspired by Mystic Mother's feats, and decided to wreck havoc like crazy.

This was a new turning point in history.

The new era of piracy had finally arrived.
Over in Mariejoa, the 5 elders had gathered to discuss the situation they were facing.

Especially since earlier, Jasmine had returned to the destroyed Marineford to ring the Ox Bell.

Since the year hadn't ended, people were thinking that she's announced the start of a new pirate era.

"Honestly, this girl is controversial! Still, she's Garp's granddaughter, so I wouldn't expect much."

"I'm still curious of how the Flamel Family survived under our noses. Especially since they avoided us many centuries ago."

"Now, Jinbei had turned against us, along with Blackbeard's sudden ambush. Jinbei acting as a warlord was a symbol of intertribal peace. It's a pity to loose him. And with Blackbeard dead, and Moria gone, there's disturbance among the Three Great Powers. From what we can understand, Blackbeard was definitely aiming for Whitebeard's power."

"Not that we want to admit it, but if he got what he wanted, the Three Great Powers would've been completely unbalanced. In a way, if Blackbeard succeed and got away, the New World would've fallen into chaos, not to mention Whitebeard's territories. Still, are we going to take care of the vacancies among the warlords?"

"After what happened in the war, we should wait for now. Once the dust has settled, we should be careful and picking the most powerful ones."

"Mystic Mother made a lot of moves in the war. Strategic, logical, cunning, and unexpected. That's how she works. There's no telling what else she could do."

"From saving her brother, she's not only earned respect from Whitebeard, she's possibly acknowledged by him. As a result, she may have a lead over other pirates to be a new member of the Four Emperors."

"True, plus no one in history has heard of a weapon that can absorb devil fruit powers. And from Mystic Mother's duel with Blackbeard, it's possible she has not only his ability but also Akainu's."

"It's always the D's who stir up in the most trouble. First Roger, Dragon, then Portgas. Now with Jasmine and the Mystics reemerging, it's being far more exposed to the public than it should be."

Jasmine was recovering in the med wing of Whitebeard's Ship.

Her brothers and children were anxious to see her smiling face again. In the meantime, the kids met Whitebeard.

"So you're Mystic Mother's brats?" He joked.

"Hey, we're not brats! We're good kids!" James protested.

"Kids, you once pranked Fred and George by tying them up in rope, hung them upside down, and covered them with red paint and glitter." Ginny reminded them.

"Auntie Luna asked us to help." Teddy defended.

"Yeah, they dyed her hair blue." Severus put his two cents in.

At this, Whitebeard laughed. Ace's sister's family was definitely interesting. Thatch looked on in Amusement. He would get along with the kids just fine.

"Whitebeard, sir?" Lily asked.


"Will mama be okay?" She asked with worry.

"I'm sure she will, young flower. If she survived Eneis Lobby, The Florian Triangle, and getting this far into the Grand Line, she can endure this." He said as Lily started climbing up his leg onto his lap.

"How did you meet uncle Ace and Sabo?" She asked as she looked up at him with big eyes.

The nurses nearly couldn't help but think that this was; Soooo cuuute!

Now while this was happening, Ace and Sabo came upstairs after checking up on their little sister.

Jasmine's kids were laughing at something the old man told them.

"What are the kids doing with pops?" Sabo asked.

"He's just telling them about how you two joined us." Thatch said half-heartedly.

"Ehhh?! Old man! Why are you telling them that story?!"

"Lily asked me politely. How could I say no?" Whitebeard said with a smirk. "So, how's your sister?"

Sabo took over for Ace. "Good news is that she's gonna make it. Especially since she rang that bell, which took her energy to teleport her to send her to Marineford and back. Her crew apparently were each given a letter attached to a teleportation globe that can only work twice. And they've already left.

It looks like they're all going to lay low while training for the next 2 years. Their preparing for the New World. Jasmine said when she's fully recovered, she's going over somewhere with her kids to train. She didn't tell us where."

"I see." Whitebeard said as he noticed a snowy white owl flew from Jasmine's med room with a letter and teleportation globe, which it used.

Somewhere in the New World...

Doflamingo had returned from his 'little' meeting with a high government official, and was greeted by a familiar owl.


She had a letter attached to her for him.

After reading it, he understood what Jasmine asked for him. He knew he had to make these two years worth it.

"See you in two years, Jasmine. Fufufu."
Jasmine and her kids were accompanied by Rayleigh to a remote Island in the Calm Belt.

Where their training can be undisturbed.

There they would learn from Rayleigh about Haki;

Observation haki, which allows a person to predict an enemies move.

Armament haki, which acts as invisible armor which can also affect devil fruit users.

And Conqueror's haki, the power to intimidate an enemy.

As it turns out, Jasmine had traits of all three haki, and her kids had some traits of some of it.

So far Severus was the only one that had Observation haki, James and Teddy had Armarment haki, and Lily had a trace of Conquerer's haki.

It would be tough, but Jasmine was determined to get through the New World.
In all the chaos, no one realized that a certain island of wonders beyond imagination would soon reveal itself.


Sorry it took me this long to write this chapter, but we're almost at Fishman Island!

Yesterday my family and I went to see Wicked at the Orpheum, and I loved it! It motivated me to continue this even more!

Thank you for reading!

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