Chapter 17: Moments

Start from the beginning

"I love you too." And I meant it. I do love him, with every bit of myself. I love Liam as well, but in a different way, the same way I love Eleanor, Cody, Harry, Zayn & Louis. 

Niall smiles at me making me giggle. I then lean my head on his shoulder and sigh. I feel as if I could just spend my life with him, I really want to. The music from the radio fills the air as Niall and I sit together, my head on his shoulder and our fingers intertwined, everything is just so perfect.

"Look, the big dipper!" he says as he points to a bunch of random stars.

"Are you sure that's the big dipper, Niall..."

"Not really... I just wanted to be cute." he smiles shyly. I kiss him on the cheek. 

"It was, don't worry." I laugh, pulling myself closer to his body. I feel his heart beating close to mine.

We listen to the music playing, along with the waves from the ocean in the background. 'I'm yours' by Jason Mraz comes on, "I love this song." says Niall humming along. His humming escalates to actual singing. He then stands up, one hand on his stomach, and begins to sing  to me in his adorable Irish accent...

"Well you done done me and you bet I felt it

I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted

I fell right through the cracks, now I'm trying to get back

Before the cool done run out, I'll be giving it my bestest

And nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention

I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

But I won't hesitate no more, no more

It cannot wait, I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me

Open up your plans and damn you're free

Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love

Listen to the music of the moment people, dance and sing

We're just one big family

And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved

So I won't hesitate no more, no more

It cannot wait, I'm sure

There's no need to complicate, our time is short

This is our fate, I'm yours"

Niall grabs me by the hand during the next part of the song and we begin to dance playfully. We spin and twirl together laughing and having the time of our lives. I've never felt so in love with someone!

Still singing to me, he pulls me in close to him, his hands around my waist, we stand there nose to nose, rocking slowly back and fourth.

His singing voice turns into a whisper.

"So I won't hesitate no more, no more

It cannot wait, I'm sure

There's no need to complicate, our time is short

This is our fate, I'm yours"

"Promise?" I say, staring deep into his eyes. 

"I promise."

I can feel his breath on my mouth. 

I close my eyes and feel his warm lips press up against mine, just where they should be. I put my hand on Niall's cheek, caressing his perfect face on mine. Our lips still together, I sit back onto the bed-like futon and Niall crawls on top of me carefully, kissing me passionately. I love him so much. 

Eleanor POV

Louis and I watch Liam and Harry play ping-pong as we hold hands, my fingers in his...

Imagine, a few weeks ago I used to fan-girl over One Direction, and tonight, Louis Tomlinson and are together. It's insanity, in a good way of course. 

I haven't seen Niall or Danielle anywhere since I've come back into the house with Lou... Liam asked me about Dani just before, he seems worried, but knowing her she's around here somewhere. I'd text her but I can't find my phone either... I think I left it in her room when I brought up some furniture.

"I'll be right back." I say to Lou as I get up. He smiles at me adorably, I'm so happy we're together now! 

I jog up the stairs and into Danielle's giant bedroom, where could my phone be?

After looking everywhere, I spot my cell on a dresser near an open door I haven't noticed before... I take my phone and slide it into my pocket as I curiously look through the mysterious doorway... Stairs. 

Stairs? Where to?

I look up and see the stars peeking out from a small open hatch. I creep up the stairs and peek out from the hole. My eyes widen.


I duck down quickly back into the hole, hoping I wasn't seen.

Danielle and Niall... Oh my God..

A big smile spreads across my face at the adorableness of what I had just saw.

I know they'll be together for a long time, I can feel it. I walk back down the stairs quietly making sure the two love birds don't hear me. I can't believe it! They're meant to be.

I join Louis and the gang in the living room. "Got my phone!" 

At around 2 am, everyone is really tired and decide to go home.

"Where's Niall?" asks Zayn.

"Uh... I think he left early... Something about a stomache ache?" I answer, refusing to tell the truth.

"And Danielle?" asks Liam. 

"She's in bed..." Haha, technically speaking, that is true. 

"Alright then! Good night Eleanor, we all had an amazing time!" says Harry speaking for everyone. I smile as Louis comes to me and gives me a goodnight kiss. Cody and the boys howl at us. 

"Oh shut up!" Louis snaps as I giggle.

Zayn gives Cody a good bromance hug. "See you soon, man." Cody says to him. 

"Later mate." Those two got along really well tonight, I'm happy Zayn seems to be feeling better about the whole stalker thing.

Cody and I then leave Danielle's place together. "Danielle isn't sleeping and Niall's isn't sick with a stomache ache, are they?" he says with a laugh.

"Not, at, all." I smile. 

Danielle POV

Niall and I lay closely together under the stars, I can feel his left hand rubbing my back softly.



"What's going to happen to us when you leave?"

"I'll never leave you Danielle..." He kisses my back. "I love you too much."


Thanks for reading !!! Please vote & comment what you think or ideas for the future <3<3

Hope you're enjoying my story!!

- Oli xx

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