The importance of discipline (Smut)

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They’ve always been rivals.

Keith is the respectable honor student with perfect grades, and the son of the headmaster. He wears button ups and ties and his hair in a tight ponytail.

Lance, however? He’s known as the “slacker” delinquent, constantly getting caught for cheating though he’s actually the one writing essays for others for money. He smokes and skates and is generally seen as someone they don’t want in a respectable school.

Yeah, of course they’ve always been rivals.

In the same class since first year and constantly butting heads - Keith seeing it as his job to remind Lance how his future and the school’s reputation is at stake and how he needs to fix his attitude. A very unnecessary reminder, thank you very much. Lance is a smart guy, even if no one thinks so.

He can never figure out why Keith can’t just leave him alone and stop nagging at him. He’s just living life the way he sees fit. He’s not even that bad - he doesn’t start fights or make any trouble, he’s actually pretty quiet and chill and it seems almost like Keith is looking for something to pick on. Like he wants him to snap or something.

Then one day Keith pulls him aside to an unused classroom, expression tight and focused. Lance is swearing internally the whole way - he’s about to be punished or yelled at or something even worse.

Instead Keith locks the door, and then his whole demeanor changes. It’s like he becomes smaller, more shy and unsure. Lance gives him his usual hard gaze and he fucking blushes. Lance frowns and leans against the wall, grumbling.

“I don’t know why the hell you pulled me outta there, but if you’re gonna complain about my grades again you shoulda not have fucking bothered!”

Keith glances to the side.



“I said I’m sorry. You’re right. I shouldn’t have.”

Now Lance knows something is up, for he has neverseen Keith look this... this submissive. This compliant and timid. He’s usually all sharp tongue and challenging words.

“You’re. Apologizing. To me?”

“Isn’t that what you want?”


Keith finally looks at him now, and his eyes look huge and docile.

“For me to plead for your forgiveness? Tell you I’ve been wrong about you. I know you’ve been wanting to put me in my place like that.”

Now that gives Lance a weird tug in his stomach. Doesn’t sound too awful, to be honest, to put this sneering, perfect brat in his place. Sounds pretty fucking good. But why is he asking for it?

“Why would I...”

“I’ll beg on my knees if I have to.”

He says it in a rush, face flushing with the implication. Lance’s eyes are widening, things are starting to clear up for him. Clouds are parting and he sees the fucking sun as Keith Kogane slowly sinks down onto the floor, looking up at him with the most subservient expression he’s ever seen.

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