Under the influence(Smut)

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“Well, hel~ lo, Officer Hardbody,” Keith slurred out before he had a chance to think better of it. “What good luck has brought you to my window this fine evening?”

The police officer snorted out a laugh through his nose, one fine eyebrow quirked up as he drawled back, “Well that’d be the shit driving on your part, sir.” He knocked on the car’s door frame with a knuckle. “You have any idea how many, ah. Lanes you were driving in tonight?”

Keith racked his brain, swirling in a drunken fog. “I’m gonna guess several?”

Another laugh, and now the handsome swarthy cop was leaning in far enough for Keith to get a good whiff of strong unmask alpha. Ooh, he wasn’t surprised since most cops were actually alphas, but DAMN did this guy have to smell as good as he looked? Unfaiiirrrrr.

“Why don’t you step out of the car, sir?” The cop still had a laugh in his voice, and as Keith fumbled for the door handle he finally caught sight of the letters ‘McClain’ gleaming off his name tag.

He teetered elegantly out of his car, wobbling into a stand without looking like too much of a jackass in the process. Keith did not remember every single step in the proceedings, but he WAS pretty sure he tried to fellate the breathalyzer test, which honestly probably deserved to get him arrested for that act alone.

Keith had only had one drink, but he was a lightweight and that one drink had hit him hard. He probably should have known better than to drive but he didn’t drink often enough to be able to tell when he was drunk, ironically enough, and the result was now a tall latino alpha cop bending him over the hood of his own car while Keith wasn’t sober enough to separate this as a non-sexy event in his brain.

He smelled fucking amazing and his hands were big and warm on Keith’s body, and fuck god DAMN it was not soon enough since his last heat had ended like,yesterday and everything felt too hot instead of like… whatever was actually appropriate here. Not horny, probably.

The alpha smelled like he wasn’t completely unaffected by Keith’s obvious come-hither scent himself, which in Keith’s tipsy mind was enough reason by itself to stick his ass up on display while he was being frisked for weapons. The cop’s grip was strong and felt like heaven as large hands quickly roamed up and down Keith’s sides and legs, and when his hands dipped into Keith’s front pockets to check for drugs or whathaveyou it felt so good Keith couldn’t help but let out a moan.

Officer Mcclain cursed thickly behind him, and when he went to check Keith’s back pockets he DEFINITELY spent a little bit too long with his hands on Keith’s ass. Not that Keith objected, all but shaking his butt in the alpha’s face in encouragement and earning a generous squeeze to his backside in return.

“Oh my god, how did I get the slutty drunk omega,” the cop mumbled to himself, before the cold metal of handcuffs were slipping around Keith’s thin wrists. Before he could enjoy it as being kinky he was being hauled up by his wrists, escorted with disappointing gentility into the back of a police cruiser. “Just settle down back there, I’ll take you to the drunk tank and someone can… deal with you in the morning.”

Keith pouted, slumping back into the seat with a sigh. Well this was a lame way to sober up. Especially since he was still horny as the devil.

He hadn’t been pulled over anywhere near the police station however, and before they could even drive two blocks away the radio was sounding. As his tipsy ass was currently low priority in the face of actual ongoing crime, Keith ended up riding backseat as Officer Hotalpha zipped all over the city to deal with… MORE petty low-interest criminals! But at least no one joined him in the backseat so Keith could keep flirting the entire time. Which he did, even as he slowly sobered up in the backseat because he was in a car reeking like a hotbox of sexy bothered alpha and it was impossible NOT to stay horny. So very fucking horny .

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