My Alpha(Smut)

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At first dating another Alpha was a little weird, but now Lance can write a two page paper on everything he loves about it. One of those many things is the sex, and not only because they're Alphas, though that is a factor, but because it's with Keith. Sometimes it's slow and sweet, completely heart wrenching and emotional, other times it's swirls of claws, fangs and loud growling, the only goal being to completely wreck eachother. Lance is pretty sure it looks like they're fighting when they get like that, but it's amazing, everything just raw and wild enough to satisfy the primal Alpha within them.

Now, if Keith's scent and the look on his face is any indication, this is one of those wild times. Lance can't even figure out what might've triggered it. They're at a boring diplomatic party for a planet named Arian and the planets settled peoples are a warrior race that kind of reminds Lance of the Spartans in Ancient Greece. They're extremely passionate, so much so that Lance gets into a lively debate with one of the Generals about war strategy, something the Alpha finds he's surprisingly good with.

"All I'm saying," Lance says, moving the pieces across the 'war board' as the Arians call it, it's kind of like a fucked up game of chess, "Is that you can't just rush right in with these Ozan dudes. Sure, you've got numbers, but they're big. Andthey have lazercanons. They could take out more than half of your forces with just a few shots before you even make it over their first wall." Lance takes a deep breath through his mouth because Keith's aroused scent is starting to choke him. The shorter Alpha presses closer to his side as Lance moves the pieces across the board with shaky fingers, his boyfriends bonfire scent holding a clear invitation.

Lance clears his throat. "Umm... if you attack them head-on you risk being attacked by all five walls, and that leads to a number of unnecessary deaths on your end; so instead you could kind of hop around, taking out each wall one by one. It's tedious but it's the best chance you've got. The concept is called Island Hopping, it breaks your enemies apart in pieces so that they're easier to dissolve."

Under the table Keith's fingers trail over the crotch of his suit, the smaller Alphas scent flaring up when he finds that Lance is already half hard in his pants. Lance's complexion grows darker as his cheeks color red, blue eyes cutting across to where Keith is sitting casually next to him, expression unreadable. Hunk, Pidge and Shiro keep shooting them glares from across the room, a clear sign that they can smell the bafoonery going on even from where they're standing.

"That is quite the plan, Paladin Lance." The Arian General answers, thoughtful expression on its birdlike face. One of its mouths presses into a thin line as the other chatters on, oblivious to Lance's problem.

"However you aren't taking into consideration the danger of splitting up our attacks in such a way. If we hit them first and hit them hard the war will be over before it even starts." And then he goes on to ramble about something like the efficiency of Arian weapons, but Lance isn't listening. Instead he's gripping the edge of the table, face hot as Keith cups him through his pants, giving him a suggestive squeeze.

"Lance?" Allura asks from across the table, face drawn tight with concern, cutting off the Arian General, "Are you feeling alright? You don't look well." Lance thanks what ever God is out there and asks whoever it is to bless Allura for being such a good person. Maybe this would get Keith to chill the fuck out.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm fine, Princess." Lance says, waving her off. Allura's frown deepens. Keith's hand doesn't move away. It's not like he's unwelcome, Lance just thinks it would be bad manners to completely destroy his ass right here in the middle of a party like this.

"I don't believe that is true, Lance." Allura says, "Perhaps you should head back to the castle and get some rest."

Lance open his mouth to object, but Keith beats him to it, speaking for the first time since he sat down next to Lance earlier that night.

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