Inky pain(Smut)

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It smelt like ink and pain. And Lance loved it. Ever since he was a kid he was obsessed with his uncle's many tattoos and drawing all over himself and other kids that were willing. Sure, his parents didn't really approve of it all when he was younger, and especially not now, but he made decent money and had another job just to help with the rent. Plus he was happy, and being happy was something that Lance always went out of his way to be.

Lance walked to the door, keys in hand, ready to lock up for the night. Then, he saw a dark figure standing in the door. He nearly jumped out of his skin, screeching loud.

"Holy shit dude, you fucking scar-" Lance was cut off, staring at the most fucking beautiful boy in the world. Curse his bi heart.

Lance's mouth opened and shut like a dying fish, just staring at the boy who was now raising a dark, thick eyebrow, seemingly amused. "Might catch a fly," he said with a smirk, crossing his arms over his chest and jutting a hip out. Lance shut his mouth, eyes still a little wider than usual. Then he snapped into game mode.

"Hey there gorgeous, and what can I do for you?" he asked, charming smirk appearing on his lips like it did for so many others.

"I was wondering if I could get a tattoo. That's what you do here, right?" he asked, face unamused.

"I, uh, yea," he said. "Do you have anything prepared, or..." he waited, raising his eyebrows as he waited for a response.

Keith dug around in his shoulder bag, coming up with a slightly wrinkled piece of paper. "This," he said, setting it on the counter and smoothing it out best he could. "It's in Korean, don't try reading it," he said. It was a bunch of Korean characters with soft, loose swirls around the characters.

"Wow, did you draw this?" he asked, looking at the delicate strokes. It was much different from his free-hand. His style was more about sharp lines and clean edges, mainly because that's what he had to do for a living.

"Yea.. I'm an artist," he hummed, looking up at Lance. "Oh, and I'm Keith by the way," he said, holding a hand up. Lance raised an eyebrow and took the smaller, pale hand into his own and pulled it up to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to it.

"The name's Lance," he said with a wink and a smile. Keith just rolled his eyes, happy that his fluster wasn't shown to bad on the outside.

"A fitting name," he said with a scoff, looking back to the picture he had spent all day drawing.

"Oh? And why's that?" he asked, dramatically putting a hand on his hip.

"You're tall and skinny," he hummed. "But I think twink is more fitting," he said with a smirk. Lance's eyebrows went up slightly, cheeks heating up. Fuck was this guy hot.

Lance took a big breath, sighing. "Alright, so, where's this baby goin'?" he asked, looking at the picture.

"It's a tramp stamp," Keith said flatly, making Lance nearly choke on his spit. " Low ," he said with a smirk.

"I-I see," he said, nodding his head slowly. "Okay, um, okay. This'll be... Fifty," he hummed. "But only because you're cute and I get to touch your ass," he said, smirking at the other. Yet again, Keith rolled his eyes, but this time there was a small smile tugging at his lips.

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