So the Bible huh?

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So a lot of you might be wondering what happened to the original klance Bible. Well it deleted, somehow. I didn't delete it, I was gone for that day and I came back to see I had gotten messages asking where did it go. I panicked and looked in my drafts and library and iT WAS GONE! I was sad and pissed off. I was just very salty about it, I worked so hard on it! 😓😂 To find stories and even write some of my own. However with some help from you guys, I'm hoping to save it!  So I'm sorry for this...TRAGEDY!!! And thank you for hopefully understanding.

Also I'm sorry in advance if I'm a little bit more slow updating. I'm currently trying to write multiple things, all klance xD. All on different platforms! There's a texting story on a app called wit, wit is basically for all kpop but there is a few voltron related stories on there! And I happen to be a casual army, and by that I mean I know all the members and watch them with my sister who is a TRUE ARMY. I wouldn't say I'm as a army as much as she is.

I'm getting off topic.

Anyways a klance highschool texting story on wit.

A klance media au on twitter. Still trying to figure that out.

And this one!

Then my fan account I run with my sister on insta. It's actually growing pretty fast, surprisingly.

Also if you're wondering, "What do you mean 'gone' I still have it in my library and can read it" then good for you, you're the first generation readers of my Bible. Thank you for reading it for so long. And for you question, wattpad allows you to keep deleted books in your library, thank god.

So yeah...Anyways enough rambling! Sorry for the Bible and thank you for reading~

Edit:Thank you all for helping me with remembering the chapters and authors! I hope to post them all soon!~

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