Snap me harder(Smut)

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Keith has always been a rational thinker.

He didn't do anything before properly going over the risks and challenges he might face, and he definitely didn't do stupid shit like this.

Staring at the username on his screen was a bizarre feeling. The characters seemed to be mocking him, making him feel like a desperate teenager, intrigued by a stranger offering nudes on a filthy public bathroom wall. I mean honestly...this could be anyone. It could be an old man or even someone who is underage for fuck's sake! The possibilities were endless, and yet for some reason, Keith wanted to play around. He wanted to take the risk.

It's been a while sense Keith has fooled around at all...he's been too busy lately. And when an opportunity like that presents itself out of nowhere, it would be stupid not to see what it's all about.

Okay, so he's doing this.

It would probably be smart to play it safe at first, make sure he knows who he's talking to.

Taking a blank picture, he wrote a simple "Hi." in the black box, looking at it for a moment before tapping the stranger's username and sending it off. He placed his phone down on the bed, regretting his decision almost immediately. Still, he found himself glancing at the phone with shifting eyes, trying to convince himself that he wasn't desperate to get an answer.

The loud 'ping' coming from the device had Keith reaching for it faster than he'd like to admit.

He was faced with a blurry picture of what looked like a houseplant with the text "Hello? Who is this?" displayed on the screen.

Okay, so they were playing it safe as well. That's fine.

Keith decided to just go for it, snapping a picture of the lower half of his face with only his chest and chin showing. Writing "This is Keith. I found your username in a public bathroom?". Yup, that should work. Telling your first name isn't that bad, right?

It took the stranger a little longer to open this one, but the response was almost immediate. "Oh, I didn't think that would actually work..." and then another image, resembling the same one that Keith took, "Well hello there Keith ;). The names Lance xx."

Observing the image, Keith made note of the dark skin and sharp jaw. This 'Lance' didn't look like an old man...but Keith needed to make sure, he can't risk it.

"How old are you?"

"Haha, I'm 19. Wbu?"


"Cool. xx"

The last image was of a playful smirk, showing off white teeth that had Keith sweating, something heavy and warm starting to pool in the pit of his stomach.

He closed his eyes. Lance is 19, he's not underage, he's not old as fuck. Maybe Keith could let himself have fun with this one.

It's been a while since he's actually done something like this. He was by no means a viring, but he didn't really know the best way to approach this. Maybe he should ask first...make sure that both of them were okay with...whatever this is. Maybe Lance had rules? Oh god, this is unnerving. It isn't supposed to be this confusing, right?

Keith let out a heavy sigh, looking at his screensaver.

A snapchat notification popped up on the empty display and Keith reached for his phone, opening the message.

"Are you interested?" The image was taken from an upper angle, showing off long legs and a shirtless chest. Keith started at the picture, thankful for the unlimited viewing time. Lance looked good, or his body did...Keith would love to be between those legs. Shaking his head at the thoughts swimming inside his head, he tapped the screen and the image disappeared.

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